A Messianic Jewish believer in Yeshua (Hebrew name for Jesus), with roots among both Jews in the Middle-East and in Europe, Mischa Stuhler-Safdie’ began his Christian walk at age 12 when he made his decision for Christ at an Oral Roberts Crusade in Dallas, Texas. Shortly thereafter, he knew that he was called to future ministry in the Word of God. Even prior to that, as a young child, Mischa sensed that he was called to do something special in his life. Years later while serving our country in the U.S. Army in an Intelligence related capacity, Mischa simultaneously served the Lord as both a military Chaplain’s Assistant and as the Assistant Pastor of the Patton Barracks Church of God in Christ, located in Heidelberg, Germany. In 1975,
Mischa was honorably discharged from active military duty as a Vietnam veteran, where he served under his legally adopted former name of Michael Stuhler. He subsequently legally changed his name back to his birth name. After leaving military service, he moved to Southern California and became involved in Christian ministry in the Los Angeles area.
In 1983 Mischa Safdie' felt a calling from the Lord to concentrate his ministry in the judicial field where he was also working at the time. He then spent several years conducting in-home bible studies, ministering occasionally in churches throughout Southern California while also speaking as a private investigation civil and criminal expert to audiences in colleges and universities. He continued his education in the judicial field while also attending various Bible schools and colleges throughout the United States and Europe in order to pursue his interests in biblical studies.
In 1991 Mischa received lifetime ordination into Christian ministry with the Full Gospel organization of “Motivation Unlimited, Inc.”, which was formerly a ministry dealing in recovery and healing for those involved in various abuse situations such a drugs, alcohol, domestic violence and occult practices.
In 2004 Mischa began an Internet ministry with the sole purpose of ministering to family, friends and acquaintances that involved authoring and then emailing his own Christian articles. That email ministry had grown substantially over the years before being discontinued and had an international following, as his articles were distributed and read worldwide.
In July 2007 the Lord called Mischa Safdie’ into a former ministry position as Assistant Pastor of Church of the Living God-Perris, located in Perris, California where he served faithfully under then Senior Pastor Joshua K. Meyers. Two years later, in July 2009 Pastor Mischa Safdie' assumed ministerial duties as the Senior Pastor of that church.
In November 2009 Pastor Safdie' initiated a formal name change for the church to "Gateway of Refuge" Church of the Living God because his vision for the church was that it would truly be a "gateway" leading to our Rock and Refuge, Jesus Christ.
While with Church of the Living God, Pastor Safdie' was the primary co-founder of Church of the Living God International and also assisted in oversight duties, as directed, with reference to other established churches under Church of the Living God International Ministries.
In addition to the above, Bro. Safdie' hosted his own Christian weekly radio program, "Word for Today" on CNN affiliate KPRO 1570 AM until deciding to discontinue the broadcasts for a season in order to concentrate more on books he is writing.
Over time it became increasingly clear that Mischa was being called not just to minister in one local church but to many churches in many places and to many people throughout the world. He was called to both evangelize and bring important messages as well as impart new and renewed vision to both saved and unsaved people of all walks of life and ethnicity, as well as church pastors, staff and members internationally.
In March 2010, Pastor Safdie', after prayer and consulting with other well known and established ministries, at his own initiative, resigned his position as Sr. Pastor of Gateway of Refuge Church of the Living God and surrendered credentials with Church of the Living God International in order to pursue a new direction and course of evangelistic ministry the Lord had led he and his wife into.
After being sponsored by other reputable ministers, Mischa Safdie' was officially ordained as a Minister by the Independent Assemblies of God International and is currently affiliated with them. In 2014 he also received a second ordination and affiliation with World Evangelism Fellowship but as of this time has elected not to renew ordination with them since the statements of faith of the two organizations are essentially the same anyway.
On June 13th, 2010, through his ordination and affiliation with the Independent Assemblies of God International (IAOGI), then Evangelist Mischa Safdie' and his wife, "Lovelie Safdie'", founded Mischa Safdie' Ministries. The primary vision of this ministry is the purpose of evangelizing and working to faithfully minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to fulfill "The Great Commission" given by Jesus to "go out into all the world, preach the Gospel and make disciples of the nations", along with attesting signs, wonders and miracles Jesus said would follow such a ministry.
In 2019 Mischa accepted his calling and was commissioned into Apostolic Ministry, as was his wife.
Meanwhile Mischa has retired as a State of California, professional licensed Investigator, where he had obtained high professional recognition in both major news publications and magazines throughout the United States and has appeared on such television networks as ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX.
Mischa has attended credit college classes at The Berean Bible Institute in Europe (Germany), audited classes at The King's College in Van Nuys, California and obtained credits with Southwest Bible College in Moreno Valley, California towards various biblical studies. He also has been a guest Professor and a former substitute Professor and teacher at the former Theophany School of Ministry in Corona, California; an accredited Bible College. He also teaches/has taught ministerial certificate courses on Evangelism at The Father's House School of Ministry in Palm Springs, California and had been invited to join the staff as Professor of nationally and internationally accredited Real Knowledge Bible College ( RKBC) as of 2019, however was unable to go forward with that invitation due to conflicting schedules by both parties. Mischa, as of the date of theis writing, has been teaching pastors and other current ministers at the Desert Center Set Free School of Ministry on a monthly basis on such subjects as "What the Bible Says to the Minister". On September 17th, 2019 Mischa was awarded a Doctorate of Divinity ("Hon. Causa") by the Chancellor of Biblitarian University in Colton, California. Mischa maintains residences throughout the Southwestern United States. He strongly believes that all ministers should have their own personal "pastor" and therefore, he, and his wife faithfully attend and serve in membership of a local church apart from his now Apostolic ministry, although he is a recognized minister in his home church. Mischa formally entered into Apostolic Ministry on February 13, 2019 with his wife, although functioning in it for many years.
Mischa is married to Lovelie Safdie from the Philippines. He has one adult daughter, "Michelle" who has a teaching degree and is involved in prophetic ministry and also a second daughter, "Soshi" who is happily married and is growing into a powerful servant and witness for Jesus Christ.
Please check out the sections on this site entitled "Links You Might Enjoy" to learn much more about Mischa. Be sure to join the various Facebook sites listed also. Mischa's messages can also be viewed on Youtube under his name or "End Time Ministries with Mischa Safdie'." Please be sure to tune in every Tuesday night at 8 pm Mountain Time for Apostle Mischa Safdie's live broadcast of "Study in the Word". These teachings can also be viewed on Youtube.