WELCOME TO OUR BOOKSTORE! You can now purchase "ESCAPE FROM APOSTASY" and "ESCAPE FROM YOUR PAST", by Apostle Mischa Safdie'. He currently is in the process of writing a third book entitled "THE DUTY AND DILIGENCE OF THE END-TIME MINISTER" which is due to be published soon.
ESCAPE FROM APOSTASY - This book was written and published in September 2015 by Mischa Safdie' and is now available for purchase today. There is no book like it that we have been able to find in any Christian bookstores yet. Biblical scripture has warned the Christian Church through prophecy of a coming apostasy or falling away from the true Christian faith and that time is upon us now! In a time when so many Christians, including many ministers and their churches are compromising the Truth, abandoning it and falling away from the Faith, Evangelist and Apostle Mischa Safdie' was raised up to be a defender of the Faith in Jesus Christ and speak out on these issues. In this book he seeks to identify issues of apostasy in the Church, explain why they occur and he provides the solution to the problem. In the midst of growing deception, ecumenicalism, compromise, false doctrine and abominable practices entering many churches today, God is raising up His own Church and end time remnant of Spirit-filled, dedicated, uncompromising Christians that will once again turn the world upside down through mighty moves of the Holy Spirit. While others in growing deception fill their churches with entertainment, compromise and bring the wrong message...telling many what they want to hear instead of the truth, you will see that the only true message today for the Church must be found in the finished work of Christ on the cross and our ability through the Holy Spirit to appropriate it. Mischa discusses such things as what the Bible says about apostasy and what it really means. He provides many examples of modern day apostasy, even naming names in some instances. Also, in the face of many "professed" believers claiming they are "born again" but living contrary lifestyles to what God has directed in His Word, Mischa explains what the "born again experience" and being a Christian really means. He explains the curse brought upon mankind in the Garden of Eden through the sin of Adam and Eve, how Satan still uses the same tactics to deceive Christians today and how reconciliation back to God could only be obtained through Jesus Christ as a pure and undefiled sacrifice on the cross, through pure and undefiled blood. This book will bring Bible prophecy to life right before your eyes and renew within you the excitement of this Christian walk and the days we are living in! In this book Mischa Safdie' brings forth a detailed message that will encourage, strengthen and empower those who really desire to serve the Lord Jesus Christ and live victoriously. After reading Escape from Apostasy, you will walk away with a somber awareness, Holy Spirit imparted joy and understanding of the times we now live in, what the Bible has to say about them and what we as Christians and those desiring to know the Lord must do. This book is a "MUST" for every clergyman, layman and to all with a true hunger to know the real Jesus Christ rather than experience dead and legalistic "religion"!
ESCAPE FROM YOUR PAST - Written by Apostle Mischa Safdie' in 2020, this book answers the question as to whether a Christian or someone desiring to become a believer in Jesus Christ who has been hindered and haunted by their past escape it? Must you bear the consequences for past mistakes you have made or the results of victimization by others?How do you simply "forgive and forget" the unimaginable? Many everyday people, as well as Christian church members and even those in ministry suffer quiet and secret lives of defeat, depression, self-condemnation, regret, fear, anxiety and apprehension as to whether they can really be fully accepted, renewed, and made alive in the Lord. Much of this simply occurs because of guilt and heartache from the sins of the past that they have either perpetrated ion others or where they themselves have become the victims, as well as through life's circumstances and, yes, even by church and religion. Many are victims of the past where no sin has been committed at all, such as the death of a loved one. In the later months of 2015, Mischa Safdie' was awakened from his sleep before dawn by the Lord and through His presence in his room was instructed to write this book. Although hardly feeling qualified to write it because of his own struggles with the past, the Lord very specifically told him to write this book and said that He would send His Holy Spirit to give him the right words for this compilation. Having completed this task in obedience to the Lord five years later, Apostle Mischa saw the tremendous wisdom of God and the important need in writing this book. Through the process, he also came to understand through his own life experiences that he was the right person to author this writing.
HOW TO PURCHASE BOOKS FROM THIS MINISTRY: Books written by Mischa Safdie' can be ordered internationally Online wherever books can be sold, including some book stores such as select Barnes and Noble stores. They can be ordered Online through Amazon as well as Kindle Publications. While these books are considerably more expensive by ordering from booksellers, you can order from this ministry directly for $15.00 per book. Please add $5 to cover the cost of tax and shipping within the United States. For out of country orders, bulk orders for your church or ministry, please contact this ministry directly at (951) 796-3936, by email at mspi008si@yahoo.com or through notification on this website. You may also write to us at:
Mischa Safdie' Ministries, 136 N. Grand Ave., Ste. 278, West Covina, CA 91791 or 272 S. 17th Avenue, Yuma, Arizona 85364
Please make out any personal checks, cashier's checks or money orders to: Reverend Mischa Safdie'. We also accept payments through Zell.