One thing Apostle & Evangelist Safdie' tries to do is make himself available to everyone as much as possible. He loves people. As a minister, Mischa considers himself a servant of the Lord and to others as much as possible and within reason. He is available to talk with you, pray with you, answer questions, establish home bible studies and speak at church and other related events. Message CDs and DVDs of his sermons can also be obtained through this website and by other means, as listed below. Books he has written can be obtained through the dropdown link of this website under "Our Book Store". Many of his writings, sermon notes and articles are posted and available for you to read, copy and use in the "Forum" section of this website and they are continually updated. The following are several ways you can reach Mischa Safdie'.
1). "FORUM" SECTION OF WEBSITE - Post any general comments and questions you have for Mischa Safdie' in the Forum section of this site and he will respond when able. This would also include communications regarding any Word Messages you may wish to order. A list of messages are available under the section "Buy CDs", Please leave an email address and we will contact you or you may write to us at our ministry address below, email adresses listed below or call to place any orders.
2). "PRAYER" SECTION OF WEBSITE - If you have a prayer request, please place it here. We will pray for you and Mischa will respond as soon as he is able to.
3). "LINKS FOR YOU" SECTION OF WEBSITE - Here are links you can use to contact Mischa Safdie', learn more about him and even reach him as well as other interesting links you might enjoy.
4). "MISCHA SAFDIE' PI" SECTION OF THIS WEBSITE - For investigative needs and advice.
136 N. GRAND AVE., STE. 278
Office (951)796-3936
Fax (760) 699-7521
6). "PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESS" -, - Please use the email address or our ministry mailing address and/or telephone number (listed above) for personal and private matters or messages to Evangelist Safdie' that you might not wish to have read on the public "Forum" section of this website, for ordering tapes or inquiries about arranging to have Mischa speak at your church or function.
We hope that this section of our website will be of assistance to you. Much love in Christ and may the Lord bless you.
Mischa Safdie' Ministries