The following is a list of available messages on CD-rom for purchase by Mischa Safdie':
1). A Holiday Message of Giving Thanks to God I
2). A Holiday Message of Giving Thanks II
3). A Lethal Combination
4). A Lonley Bird on a Roof
5). A Message of Thanksgiving
6). A New Cart I
7). A New Cart II
8). A Reason to do Things Right
9). A Very Deadly Combination
10). A Very Lethal Combination
11). After You're Born Again
12). An Overview of the Jewish Holidays
13). Are You Conforming to the Standards of Christ
14). Are You Desparate for God
15). Are You Living on Yesterday's Manna
16). Are You Running From God
17). Are You Stuck in the Mud
18). Are You Weary
19). Attitude in Adversity I
20) Attitude in Adversity II
21). Attitude Adjustment
22). Behind Mansion Walls - The Sin of Passivity
23). Being Prepared for the Coming of the Lord
24). Believers and Doubters
25). Benefits, Entitlements, Thanksgiving & Christianity
26). Bible Study on Faith Series - Faith Versus Hope
27). Bible Study Lessons on Faith - Faith Sees the Answer, Part 1 of 2
28). Bible Study Lessons on Faith - Faith Sees the Answer, Part 2 of 2
29). Book of Revelation, Lesson 2
30). Choices
31). Christian Conduct - Romans 12:1-4 (English and Espanol)
32). Christian Living
33). Christiarity or Familiarity
34). Churches, Leadership & Things
35). Conformation and What You Conform To
36). Contending Earnestly for the Faith
37). Decision at Ziklag
38). Dedication Service of Latter Reign Ministries
39). Denying Self - A Key to Vision and Access to God
40). Distraction
41). Don't Give Up - Trust God
42). Dying to Self - The Key to Effective Ministry
43). Escaping the Grip of the Past (English & Espanol)
44). Everyday People Doing Everyday Things - A Christmas Story
45). Faith Bible Study Series, Lesson 13 - How Do We Get Faith
CDs are a great way of getting the Word of God into your spirit for study, renewal and growth. They also are a wonderful tool to share and spread the message of Jesus Christ to family members, friends, loved ones...and they are an effective tool in personal evangelism. Not only can they be given to others but we have known some brothers and sisters in Christ that leave them in truck stops, public restrooms and other places where they will be found and listened to. We encourage you to assist us and be a part of "The Great Commission" Jesus spoke of when He told His disciples and all of us to "preach the Gospel and make disciples of all the nations".
CDs are reasonably priced at $6.00 each. The price includes costs of mailing. Payment can be made by check or money order to:
Rev. Mischa Safdie'
136 N. Grand Ave., Ste. 278
W. Covina, CA 91791
To order, call us at (951) 796-3936. Arrangements can be made through Paypal on an alternate site to take your payment by Paypal or Credit Card, if you so desire.
Thank you for your purchases and please know that your payments will not only further the Gospel of Jesus Christ but go towards acquisition of CDs and additional/continued duplication.