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Suicide by Christians Suicide by Christians

   Discussion: Suicide by Christians
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 5 years, 6 months ago


After two recent suicides by ministers, social media and Christian news is inundated by debates as to whether a true Christian can commit suicide and still go to heaven.  First, let me say that suicide by ANYONE is a tragedy and my heart goes out to the family and friends of those involved.  It is a terrible outcome for anyone.  Regarding the question of eternal life though, I would like to share some thoughts on this matter, as follows: 

1). Suicide in most instances is self-murder and punishable by hell. Why?  Because unrepentant sin cannot enter heaven since heaven is sinless and we serve a sinless God.
2). There may be a few exceptions under extreme circumstances and while this is mainly opinion, I want to discuss them briefly.  First, I believe a person can go to heaven if he or she commits suicide if after committing the act they actually have time to ask forgiveness (which they usually do not) and call on Jesus to repent, and sincerely mean it...which means they have changed their heart and mind about wanting to kill themselves. True repentance means a change of mind and heart. But it's a gamble for your eternal soul I would not bet on.
3). God is fair, and I believe if a Christian is not in a NORMAL state of mind, such a Alzheimer's disease, dementia, schizophrenia, on medications known to cause suicidal thoughts and depression..that God may forgive such a person....IF they are not able to think reasonably, rationally and responsibly about what they are doing.
3). Anyone that suggests, however, that it is okay to commit suicide and you will still be with Jesus is misleading you and giving a person Satan's lying way out rather than encouraging such a person to seek God, to seek deliverance through prayer by others and the ability to bind the powers  of darkness  and set captives free. In suggesting it is okay, you are misleading anyone who goes through depression and suicidal thoughts and if they listen to you, then you may well be responsible and have to answer to the Lord for sending that person to hell.
4). The bible says God has not given us a spirit of fear but of POWER (over darkness), love and A SOUND MIND. (not one of depression or suicidal thoughts).
5). You do not have the right to kill yourself. Why? Because the Bible says you are not your own  but were bought by God with a price...the price of the blood of Jesus. It also says you were not born into this earth by flesh and blood, nor the will of man, but rather by the will of God. It was for a purpose God created you. So what right do you have to try and change the plan of God's purpose for you  by taking your own life?

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