I would encourage all of you to listen to this message in the "media" section of this site. Just click onto it and when the table of contect of audio messages comes up, please click the message title itself and take this time as a time of study and devotion as you follow along in your bible. In this message Evangelist Safdie' discusses the dangers of pride and how it can become one of the greatest hindrances for the believer and to the Christian ministry. He brings to life the story of King Nebuchezer in the Book of Daniel and how his own pride finally brought the judgment of God on his life temporarily until true repentance and acknowledgement of God came. This King had experienced the true and living God through his relationship with Daniel and he should have known better. How many unnecessary things do we go through and how much unnecessary trouble do we get into because of our own pride? How often are our prayers hindered because of the pride we walk in? The Bible says that "a broken spirit and contrite heart God will not despise." We pray you are blessed as you listen to this message.