Hi Everyone:
There are two things I woud like to announce or remind you all of. If you go to the "media" bar on the home page of this web site, you can listen to a number of my messages directly from your computer and at no cost. This means you don't have to buy the CDs! Just click onto the title of the message you want to listen to and it will load up and play for you.
Also, I know many have been blessed with my articles and sermon notes in the Forum section of this web site. I really wish I could know who you all are and would ask, if you have the time, if you would please consider actually becoming a member of this web site. There is no charge, you will not be contacted or solicited by email or through any other means. Our ministry is a free ministry we provide for everyone. We do not charge any fees for speaking or doing what we do. We do accept donations, although we have not really asked or received any as of this time.
Thanks and God bless you all.
Evangelist Mischa Safdie'