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A Thought on Apostasy in the Church A Thought on Apostasy in the Church

   Discussion: A Thought on Apostasy in the Church
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 12 years, 8 months ago



APOSTASY - In 2 Thesalonians 3: 1-4, the Bible tells us of signs of the return of Christ. One of the great signs to occur is what is called "the apostasy" or great falling away from the faith. This great falling away is immediatly followed by the appearance of a satanically inspired world leader who will appear as an angel of light, having answers for the world's economic problems as well as other solutions. Most of the world will be deceived and embrace this demonic man as a "man of peace". This is the anti-Christ.


When we discuss the above scripture, it is a sobering thought to realize that these things spoken of are the days we are now living in. But rather than address the issue of prophecy and end-time events further in this article, I want to simply speak to the issue of "the apostasy" or great falling away or departure from the faith that the Bible is talking about. I preach about it in message after message and in church after church. Today the Church is under attack. The faith as defined in the Bible is under attack. Jesus asked the question, "When I return will I find faith (Greek reads "The Faith") in the earth? Jesus very well knew the answer to that question but He was attempting to get the listener and reader to ask that question to themselves and others also. In other words, "Where are we going?" We have to preach the Gospel message outside of the Church to the lost. But the reality is that many inside of what is represented as "The Church" today are also lost and this includes many who preach from the pulpits. Many are power hungry, money-grabbing hirelings and hypocrites that could care less about the sheep they supposedly shepherd. Some ministers are nothing more than corporate minded businessmen, totally void of the love and life of Jesus Christ. 

Jesus said in the last days that He would separate the wheat from the tares and bundle the tares up and burn them with fire. Wheat and tares look incredibly alike when they are growing but once they are grown, under close examination the distinction between wheat and tares becomes very obvious. How do we do YOU know whether you are in a "true church of God" or a false, impotent, apostate and irrelevant church? The Bible says, "You shall know them by their fruit."

This is a time when all professed Christians need to become "fruit inspectors" and pay close attention to the teachings of particular churches and ministries. If they are not preaching the cross of Christ; if there is no life or good fruit in their ministry and in the lives of the people; if the "vision" and agenda of the church seems to be about everything BUT "Jesus" and His Name is only one of convenience; if doctrine is preached that does not line up with the Bible; if ministers and leaders are not being living examples of what the Bible says one in such a position should be; if money always seems to be the main focus; if the preacher is always promoting himself and has a superstar mentality instead of elevating Jesus; if you see the Koran and Bible next to one another and are told the two religions of Islam and Christianity can co-exist; if your church is nothing more than a "social club"; if only a social agenda is being practiced and preached; if the pastors promote and smile at the consumption of alcoholic beverages; if sin is not spoken against and hell is never mentioned so as not to dare offend anyone; if the worship music is more a facsimile of secular music than of true Christian music and worship....then all of these things are signs you are in an APOSTATE CHURCH and it is time for you to get out and go where the uncompromising Gospel of Jesus Christ is being preached.

Brothers and sisters, we are living in the last days and may well be the last generation of Christians before the return of our Lord. People have been waiting for this time and preaching about it for years and years. But never before have world events so prophetically lined up with the Bible. It is time for us all to stand up and be counted in Christ. Jesus said, "If we deny Him before men that He will deny us before His Father in heaven." How is your life counting for Christ today? Do you live in compromise or are you on the cutting edge of walking in His Holy Word and will with purpose? 

I pray you will examine your hearts today. I ask that you prayerfully consider where you are attending church today, if attending at all. If your church is preaching the cross of Jesus Christ and walking accordingly then you probably are in the right place. But if not, perhaps it is time to make a move and allow God to make your life account for it's eternal purpose.

May the Lord bless you.

Evangelist Mischa S. Safdie'

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