When sin is rampant among people in the end times, the Bible tells us there will come a point where God will give the people over to their sins and eventually over to a reprobate mind...a type of mental illness, if you will, where a person or people will go so far across the moral line that they no longer want to change or even desire to serve God. We are seeing that happen now on a world-wide scale, and our own country is not immune either.
Never have I seen so much deception, disaster, sin, so much violence and oppression of people as what is occurring at this time. Yet, there is a solution. The solution is not a political solution but a moral and spiritual solution. The Bible confirms this when it says that we do not war against flesh and blood (man) but unseen principalities and powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places (Satan and demonic spirits). Is there any answer? Do we just throw up our hands and give up? No! The Bible tells us that we have the spiritual authority over Satan to bind and to loose. However, in order to do that there must be a change in the hearts of people...and particularly of those who claim to be Christians.
The majority of the so-called "Church" in America today has for the most part fallen asleep and we need to wake up. Those of us who understand what is happening need to be able to reach others within the Church who "profess" to be Christians with a message from God that brings revelation and true repentance. The "professed" Christian and unsaved person alike has to be reached with the Word of God right now. Once that happens, we will see a powerful move of the Holy Spirit as He brings a spirit of conviction on all hearts to turn away from sin, repent and serve the Lord. When that happens, a nation can be saved and spared impending judgment. Yet when I read scripture I see that this repentance has to first start within the Church itself. Too often the scripture I am about to refer to has been directed by church pastors at the general population of a nation, but is that really what this scripture is saying? I do not think so. In studying these passages of scripture, it seems pretty clear the God is directing this admonition, of all things, to His very own people. Here is the proof:
2 CHRONICLES 7:14 - "IF MY PEOPLE (Notice that God is saying "His People") WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME (This settles it and reveals exactly who God is addressing. It is those who claim to serve Him) HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND PRAY AND SEEK MY FACE AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, THEN I WILL HEAR FROM HEAVEN, WILL FORGIVE THEIR SIN AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND."
Certainly we understand that this scripture was initially directed at the nation of Israel and its leadership because they were His chosen people. However, it also has a dual interpretation. So what about today? Could this scripture also be applicable to the Gentiles (most of the Christian Church today) who were given the privilege of ministering the Gospel of Christ to the world until the Jews are again included? Remember that the Jews initially had opted out when they rejected Jesus as their Messiah 2,100 years ago. Is not a country like the U.S. that professes to be a "Christian" country also claiming to be "His" nation or "His people"? And what about, of all things, the Church itself? Does not the Church claim to represent God in the earth? What a scathing rebuke to the Christian Church today! To imagine that this scripture is actually directed to the people of God rather than the rest of the world is a stunning rebuke when you take a look around you and think of where we are as a nation today. Is it possible that judgment is coming because the "professed" people of God...the Church itself has not been doing it's job?
The above scripture puts the finger on those who claim to be of the Lord, be it a nation or be it the Church. The people of God have to humble themselves...quit believing they know more than they really do. The hypocrisy has to go. The arrogance has to be dealt with. The poison of "religion" has been substituted in place of a true living relationship with Jesus Christ in the majority of churches today. The Church in the 21st century, consistent with end time biblical prophecy, is becoming apostate even as I write this article. And if the above scripture is true, it would be reasonable to conclude that it is the apostate Church of today that has actually allowed the atmosphere that has caused our country and much of the so-called "Christian world" to become morally bankrupt and this, in turn, has brought and is bringing and will in the future bring forth the judgment of God unless something changes quickly.
You make think I am being unfair. After all, how can the problems of a society be blamed on the Church? I will tell you how and it saddens me to have to say it. The Bible says that we...the Church are to be the salt of the earth...the great preservative of what it morally right...the great witness that leads those seeking and those lost to Christ. It says that we are to be a shining light and to let that light shine so others can see Christ in us. But have we really done that? Does most of the unbelieving world really see Christ today when they look at "most" of the Christian Church? I have to answer my own question with a resounding, "No!"
Do you remember the scripture in the Bible that says, as Christians, "we need to take the log out of our own eye before we try and remove the speck in our brother's eye?" These were actually the words of Jesus Himself. Wow. Could it be that much... possibly most of the "professed" Church today is spiritually blind and full of logs in their eyes while trying to remove the speck in everyone else's eyes? Perhaps the criticism of many regarding the contrast in what the supposed Christian Church professes to be and yet what it actually shows itself to be is warranted and valid. Are we, as Christians, really doing our jobs? Are we walking in obedience? Are we walking in true humility? Do we walk with the love of Jesus Christ in our hearts? Does His love show in our actions and reactions to others? Does it show in the way we, as professed Christians, live our lives? Do walk in holiness or are we telling others to do something that we ourselves will not do? Is the Church today truly a "Godly" Church or rather is the majority of the Church today ripe with hypocrisy and compromised sin? These are all questions every professed believer needs to ask themselves. Was not Jesus saying here, "Clean up your own backyard before you try and clean up the yards of others?" I think so.
Remember this...the sin of one man, "Achan" caused the whole army of Israel to be defeated in battle. Could the sins of a "professed" Church claiming to represent Christ actually assist in doing the opposite of God's will might really be and instead of bringing blessing, bring judgment on this country? It certainly is something to think about. Do I believe all of the Church is at fault? No. In fact, there are many out there who walk in integrity and love, speak the uncompromising truth of God's Word and they live the Christian life as it ought to be biblical standards. However, it would be fair to say that the majority who "profess" or claim to be Christians are not walking in the way of Christ.
In the Book of Revelation, which I have taught many times in many churches, Jesus Himself critiques the seven churches of Asia. These were literal churches at the time, only 90 or so years after Christ's resurrection. Yet these churches are also a barometer of the Church age in general from that dispensation up to this current dispensation we are living in now. Yet, when Jesus analyzed and critiqued all seven of those churches in about 90 A.D., even then only two of them passed the test or muster and the remaining five failed. That would statistically state that only 90 years after Jesus left the scene and was resurrected, and despite the fact that the Holy Spirit was sent to equip the Church, only about 29 per cent of those claiming to be Christians were walking in the manner they were supposed to and 81 per cent were already apostatizing or falling away from "The Faith." The thought of this is actually staggering when we think of where the Church may now be at today. Based on the statistics I just gave you, lets fast forward about 2,100 years ahead and look at the state of general society and the Church today. Lets look at the time we live in now and the Church as a whole. First, look around? What do you see? Do you really think the Christian Church is closer to God and walking more purely now than it was then? That would be highly unlikely.
The conclusion is simple my friends. If we, as Christians, want to see this nation saved and want to see revival break out nation-wide and world-wide, it has to begin with the Church first. The Church needs to humble itself and repent. Those who call themselves "Christians" have to be more than simply a "professed" believer in Jesus. We have to live the life we profess not only in word but also in deed. Then and only then will change and salvation come to the rest of the world.
May the Lord bless you.
Evangelist Mischa S. Safdie'
Mischa Safdie' Ministries, 136 N. Grand Ave., Ste 278, W. Covina, CA 91791 (951) 796-3936
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