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What The Bible Says To The Minister - Classes What The Bible Says To The Minister - Classes

   Discussion: What The Bible Says To The Minister - Classes
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 13 years, 3 months ago

Greetings in Christ:

Re: What The Bible Says To The Minister - Free Classes

Ever since moving from pastorship into evangelistic ministry, the burden that the Lord placed on my heart was a need to help many churches return to sound biblical doctrine and for those that were doing okay in that regard, to minister in any way possible to keep them there by presenting an awareness of false doctrines...many quite subtle and others not so...that are currently making their way through the Christian Church.

When I moved from pastorship into the evangelist-teacher ministry, it was because the Lord specifically spoke to me that the messages he had given me and would give me in the future were not meant for just one church but for many. Therefore I embarked on bringing these messages to many churches personally and also through media such as this website.

Recently, the Lord had directed me and opened the door to begin to teach pastors and other ministers. This is not something I did at my own initiative but it started about 6 months ago when the pastor of one church asked that I do so and invited me into his church for once a month classes on ministry. Shortly afterwards a second pastor of yet another church asked for the same thing and that is resulting in not only pastors and ministers from his church attending, but I understand now that pastors from several other churches will be attending these classes. The class God has given me to teach is not simply a "leadership" or "ministry" class in the sense of what one might expect who has attended such classes before. Rather, the title is "What The Bible Says To The Minister". 

What these classes will do is provide a renewal, excitement and fresh revelation to your heart from the Word of God as to what God has called you to do and give you the confidence through scripture to do it. The class never deviates from scripture and it is uterly amazing how much the Bible has to say to the minister. These classes will bring to focus what we as ministers are to do, what our caling is, how to enter into that calling, how to walk in ministry without burnout, issues of ministry in the church and will discuss many other related topics including but not limited to proper relationships with others as a minister, relationships with other ministers, handling persecution and criticism, relationships outsode of the church, marriage and family, dealing with false doctrine, proper church discipline, how to move in your ministry with effectiveness, how to know your calling and where it comes from, moral issues and so forth. This class is chalk-full of true biblical help for you as a potential minister, minister-in-training or seasoned minister.

To conclude, I am willing, at no cost to donation or love offering come to your church and teach on this subject, anywhere in Southern California. If in the central or northern part of the state, I would need assistance with travel and lodging. This would also be the case for any travels to churches out-of-state. The class can be taught in a 2-day seminar, or it can be done weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly.

If you are interested in having me come to your church and bless you with this teaching, please contact me at (951) 796-3936. Note that this class is for all Christian denominations and non-denominational groups.

Thank you and may the Lord bless you!

Rev. Mischa S. Safdie'

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