Some think that being a "watchman on the wall" is being a fear-monger. Let's not shun the watchmen on the wall, unless you want to be left behind in the understanding as to where we are in these last of the last days. I'm not talking about the rapture. I'm simply talking about being aware of what is going on around us. I’m not talking about the mass media – who has it all wrong. I’m talking about staying in touch with reality (Can you spell, “Biblical reality?”). I’m not talking about that verse that says to “think on those things.” We need to think on the things that are of good report. And that is speaking to a different context. What I’m talking about is this – who are we listening to? Are we listening to Joel Osteen (who only talks about the positive [and a different Jesus, who is open to pagan Jesus’s]) or are we also listening to those who understand eschatology (study of the end times) (in which Joel is totally clueless)? We need to think positively. “When you see these things happen, look up – for your redemption draweth nigh.” So – let’s wake up and know what is happening in our world today. Let’s not be drunk with false “news” from the mass media – such as NBC, Channel 5, Channel 11, Channel 7 (or EVEN Fox News and channel 4). Let’s stop listening to the stupid news and listen to the news that really matters. Let’s understand what is REALLY happening in the world today and listen to what is in the WORD OF GOD !!! I might have left a news media out here because I’m kind of blind. I haven’t listened to left-leaning news media for YEARS. So forgive me. But I DO know that they are blind to the truth. Here are some good links: and, etc. There are also some good oldies such as J. Vernon McGee, A. W. Tozer, J. I. Packer, F. F. Bruce and Byron C. Nelson, Fanny J. Crosby, P. P. Bliss, Richard Wurmbrand (Tortured for Christ), etc. -- and OTHERS whom I really appreciate. These people really have it together and understand what is happening in these LAST of the last days. Many today are totally oblivious as to what is happening, because we do not make the clarion call. Do you understand the clarion call? If so, are you willing to share it with the rest of the church? If you are not willing, do you think perhaps you SHOULD be willing?
God tells us to be stewards of His truth – which includes the understanding of how we need to be stewards of His word and be involved in His great commission. It also includes the understanding as to how to be good watchmen on the wall.
Do you think we are here just to be people-pleasers and look for people who can fill our church pews so we can have more funding for things that may be meaningless as far as God’s kingdom is concerned? I am not here for that (or in any church for that). I am here to share the TRUTH of what is really happening – of which MOST of the church is TOTALLY oblivious. I am here to preach the gospel. My name is not John 3:16 for no reason. It is not just coincidence that I was born on 3/16 and that my name just happens to be John. I am here to convey a message. The message is this: We need to convey to the Christian world that they need to get their act together and preach the truth. But the truth will not be preached by being lackadaisical and lazy regarding what the truth IS. The Bible plainly states in II Timothy that we are to “study to show ourselves approved…” Are we doing that (studying to show ourselves approved)? Or are we falling short? Let’s not fall short of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians) – much of which is the great commission
Let’s not allow ourselves to be blinded by the media and the so-called “church.” Let’s become true servants of God.
Being a watchman on the wall is not about spreading fear
John Dodds (anon)
· 13 years, 5 months ago

Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie
· 13 years, 5 months ago
Thank you so much for posting. Your post is enlightening and I encourage others to read it and pay attention to the times we are living in. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts on this site, Messages and articles posted here are read worldwide and used quite often by pastors, church members and believers in this country as well as in other nations. God bless you.

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