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Finding My Sermon Notes & Articles Finding My Sermon Notes & Articles

   Discussion: Finding My Sermon Notes & Articles
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 13 years, 7 months ago

Hi Everyone:

In looking at the "Forum" section of this site, I can tell the sermon notes of some messages have blessed some of you, First, thank you for reading and using them, as they are all Holy Spirit inspired articles or messages I have written or given by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I feel strongly about their content and it blesses the Lord to see these messages used to reach others.

To the pastors and others who look at the sermon notes and articles, I would like to remind you that after the first page there is as "NEXT" button that will move you to another page of additional notes and articles...and so forth. Also, these notes and articles print wonderfully from your computer without requiring you to cut and paste anything. Please note that all titles that are sermon notes will have "Ser. Nts." inscribed at the beginning or end of the title, so if you cannot see the whole title, put your cursor on the article itself and it will show the whole title. If it is not a sermon but an article instead, it will not have anything else but the title listed.

I hope this will be of help to you. I still have many notes and articles I need to post and so I will be adding more each week, hopefully.

May the Lord richly bless you and anoint you as you speak forth the message of Christ and the cross.

Rev. Mischa S. Safdie'

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