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   Discussion: WORD CDs
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 13 years, 7 months ago

Hi everyone!

I would like to remind all viewers of this site, whether on the directory or not, that CDs of the powerful and anointed messages the Lord has given me are available for purchase. We do not make much money off the CDs but the cost provides enough for us to mail the items to you and purchase blanks CDs, labels and cases so that more can be duplicated. 

I would like to encourage you to order some of the CDs today. Please take just a moment of your time to view the list of topics and messages. They are not only great for your personal devotion, use in church, Bible studies or sermons, but they are a great witnessing tool in the evangelism of others.

You may not have the time or words to share Christ with others in the manner some do, but these CDs make it easy to do so. In this manner, you too can do an effective work in the Lord Jesus Christ as an evangelist. Hearts and souls can be reached, lives can be changed..all for just a few dollars and just because you took it upon yourself by the Spirit of Christ to make yourself caring and available. With all that the Lord has done for you, is it not worth it to share the gift of Jesus with someone else? Jesus said that if we confess or share Christ with others, He will confess us before His Father in heaven.

You can give these wonderful and easy to understand CDs to a friend, stranger, relative or leave one in a truck-stop, on a restaurant table, in a bathroom or other place where God will lead just the right person to pick it up and listen to it.

I have made these CDs very affordable to you because my only vision and desire is to get this message of the cross of Jesus Christ out to whomever will listen. The topics are so important for the time we are living in, and best of all, as you listen to them you will find that they are full of nothing but "Bible and sound, uncompromising Christian doctrine and truth". These messages are sure to impart a fresh revelation of Jesus Christ to whomever will listen.

I humbly thank you very much for taking the time to read this and I thank you in advance for your purchases. Please go to the top of this website and click under "Word CDs" for a list of available message CDs and Bible Study CDs. Our list is continually being upgraded.

May the Lord bless you.

Evangelist Mischa S. Safdie'





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