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End Time Ministries End Time Ministries


Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 13 years, 9 months ago



Hi Everyone! I have been working hard on upgrading and adding to this website. Recently I have added 3 new features I would like to briefly introduce you to.

"WORD CDs" is a new site that can be accessed on the "link bar" of the Home Page and provides a list of both Word messages and studies that you can purchase. We will be continually adding to this list. The Word CDs will be great for your own personal devotions, sharing the Word of God with a friend or for use in serious evangelism.

"LINKS FOR YOU" is a new site on the link bar of the Home Page that allows you to check out other ministries we associate with, recommend as a place to attend church in your area, and there are also a list of Bible Colleges throughout the U.S. that we believe would be regarded as those preaching sound doctrine and meet with the approval of this ministry. Additinally, there are links to Christian entertainment sites we encourage. Also, if you are interested in Evangelist Mischa Safdie', I have links to my personal, business and ministry Facebook sites as well as the personal site for my wife, "Lovelie". Sign onto facebook and lets be FRIENDS! :-) Check out the "LINKS FOR YOU" site for much more, as we will continually be adding to it.

"MISCHA SAFDIE', PI" is a link I added to this Christian website for a reason. Being Christian does not make us immune from legal problems and situations that often require good investigation and some good, Godly advice. We are not attorneys and do not practice law, however, I can certainly direct you to a good one should the unfortunate circumstances ever require it. Additionally, I am considered one of the top investigators in the country and even internationally. If there is a civil or criminal matter you need help with, chances are I can assist you. I pray that all families...particular those who profess to believe and walk in the ways of Jesus Christ remain strong and stay together, but unfortunately one partner cannot always control the actions of another. If you need assistance in an infidelty, child custody or other family law matter, or you want strictly confidential knowledge and assurances, I can help you. Perhaps you are thinking about going into business and are looking for a partner. Did you know though that "partnerships" are often like marrages? I do background investigations to make sure that your personal and financial interests are secure. To find out more about Mischa Safdie, Private Investigator and the many services offered, click this link on the link bar of the Home Page and check it out....then give me a call if you would like a consultation.

Finally, please keep checking out the FORUM section here on this site, where articles I and others have authored will appear, along with my sermon notes for your personal study, edification and use.

May the Lord bless you!

Rev. & Evangelist Mischa S. Safdie'

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