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   Discussion: GOD IS WILLING & ABLE
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 13 years, 9 months ago


From Original Writing -"ALL THE KINGS HORSES AND ALL THE KINGS MEN" - Revised


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the King's Horses and all the King's men,

Couldn't put Humpty together again.


We all know the childhood story and poem about an egg named "Humpty Dumpty" and how he fell off a great wall. We remember how his shell and all that he was became shattered into tiny little pieces. In fact, he was so shattered into pieces that that no one could put him back together again. 


At some point in our lives, it is inevitable that most of us will unfortunately experience some sort of personal tragedy. And when we do, many of us may feel that, like Humpty Dumpty, we have nothing left but a shattered life. We may try to "pick up the pieces" and move on only to find that the broken pieces of our lives are too many to pick up. Whether our personal tragedy is the death of a loved one; a problem with our health or that of someone close to us; the loss of a mate through abandonment and/or divorce; seeing our child on drugs or something else entirely different; such tragedies nevertheless are usually unexpected, and they often leave us shaken to the very core of everything we consist of.


The above are only a few of the many things we could imagine as defining what personal tragedy might be. The question is, when this time occurs in your life, will you be able to get through it? Another question to consider is "how" exactly will you get through it? We all would like to believe that we are prepared for almost everything that could happen in life and that if the worst situations come, that we will just "roll with the punches" and deal with them when they get here. But more often than not, real tragedies in our lives leave us numb, shocked, confused, fearful and quite often feeling that we are unable to mentally and physically cope with them. When personal tragedy happens, we often will feel a very real sense of helplessness. Like Humpty Dumpty, these experiences often shatter our lives. This is so much the case, in fact, that the world is full of many people who never recover from the personal tragedies in their lives.


If you stopped reading right here then things might certainly seem pretty discouraging. I have just painted a picture of helplessness and devastation, haven't I? Yet, in Jesus Christ, I can tell you based on God's Word and my own personal experiences that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Not just light but a bright sunshine! For the Christian…the believer in Christ, there is more than just hope! There is healing! And it is during these difficult times that the true and wonderful beauty of being a believer in Jesus Christ shows it's worth because when our own natural ability to cope ceases, then the strength and reality of Jesus Christ faithfully reveals itself. If we are willing to trust God, He will show up on the scene. The Bible says that God is an ever-present help in a time of need or trouble! (Psalm 46:1) Amen! How true that really is. 


If you are in a period and time of devastation right now, then there are two important things I would like to share with you that will help you get out of it and allow God to put the shattered pieces of your life back together.


First, as a believer in Christ, it is important to know that God is not the creator of your personal tragedy. God is always willing to help you. You must come to an understanding that God really is FOR you. He is not against you. He loves you. And while His timing may be immediate or it may not be, God is never late. Never! He knows what He is doing and He is always on time. The problem is that often we do not know what He is doing and so we begin to draw the wrong conclusions about Him and we even sometimes begin to blame God for what has happened to us. Bad things do happen to good people sometimes. When they do happen, however, good people often blame God for them, wondering "why" these things happened to them. In Matthew 5:45 the Word of God tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust alike. So it is important to know that God is not the creator of your personal tragedy.


Why then tragedy? Why do bad things happen to good people? The answer is almost as old as time itself. It goes all the way back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. You see, tragedy is part of this life because this earth and all that are in it were placed under a curse that came as a result of Adam and Eve's sins of disobedience against God. God did not do it to man. Man did it to himself. Adam and Eve were given the responsibility as caretakers of this planet and through disobedience to God they failed miserably. Originally, God's perfect DESIRE for us was that we would "never" experience personal tragedies. Did you know that? God did not create the disobedience of Adam and Eve that in turn created a barrier between mankind and God...between the human race and God. Adam and Eve were given authority to rule the earth and they decided to make wrong choices in doing so that affected the way every man, woman and child lives right up to this very day. Since that time, mankind has suffered. Yet God in His great love for us provided a deliverer in Jesus Christ. He gave us a way out in Jesus, if only mankind would accept it. And here lies the problem. We were placed under a curse because of Adam and Eve, set free from the curse through Christ's sacrifice for us on the cross and His resurrection but our liberation from that curse is contingent upon whether we believe and accept Jesus as our deliverer; our Lord and Savior. Without doing that, we choose to nullify the very deliverance that God has given us. Mankind suffers today because of the sin nature of Adam and Eve and because of our own resulting sin nature. Adam and Eve brought sin into the world. They made the wrong choice and chose to sin instead of obeying God. All of mankind suffers today from their decision to sin. Yet, although mankind in general is under a curse because of Adam and Eve, we as individuals can be set free and delivered from that curse by our own individual acceptance of the provision of Jesus Christ…a provision already made for us about 2,000 years ago on the cross of Calvary. This is not a story, not a fable but it is the truth and it will work for you if you are willing to embrace it.


If tragedy that is a part of the curse of the human race has found its way into our lives, we can be healed. We can be restored. We can find deliverance. We can embrace victory. Hopeless situations can be turned around. The shattered pieces of our lives can be put back together again…all because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. We no longer have to live under a curse. Like a terminal illness that has infected the entire human race, there is a medication to cure each individual member who has become inflicted IF WE WILL ONLY TAKE IT. That medicine is JESUS CHRIST.


Yet somehow we continue to blame God for something that He never intended and that was never His fault at all. We blame God for Adam and Eve's wrong choice and the consequences of sin entering into the hearts of His creation, including our own hearts and those we care about. When bad decisions are made or tragedies occur naturally that have an effect on our lives and those around us, we then often blame God, asking Him "Why?" So the first point is "quit blaming God." He is not here to hurt you. He is here to help you. He did not do this to you. God loves you. He is for you. In fact, John 3:16 says that "God so loved the world that He GAVE His only begotten Son....." You see, the provision for you has been made. "He gave' ... but you must accept. That provision is Jesus Christ and yes, the answers for your dilemma and tragedy are in Jesus Christ. Don't get mad at God! Don't allow yourself to become bitter at Him or at anyone else related to the situation you may be going through because if you run the race of life with bitterness, you will run it with a ball and chain attached to your legs.


Secondly, God will help you. He wants to help you. We already read that the Bible says God is an ever-present help in a time of need. In Mark 1:40-42 we read the story of a leper who was afflicted with disease. He came to Jesus and said, "If you are willing you can make me clean. And the Bible says that Jesus was moved with compassion and answered, "I am willing. Be cleansed. " Immediately the leprosy left the man and he was healed. Many times we question whether it is God’s will to help or to heal us. This leper had the same question. In order for the Lord to be able to help the leper, however, He had to overcome that one objection of “if it by Thy will”. And He did. He told the leper just as He still tells us today, “I am willing.” Throughout the Bible, Jesus NEVER REFUSED to heal anyone. Never. But not all have been healed because of either a lack of faith as a result of not knowing it is His will to heal or an unwillingness to turn away from a particular sin or sins in one’s life. 

The Bible says “if we regard iniquity in our hearts, He will not hear us.” This scripture is intended for the Christian, who ought to know better than to continue “practicing sin” after conversion to Christ. There is a difference between the one who will occasionally fall into sin and the one who “practices” it, as we all make mistakes and sin at times. We are not perfect. So you have to be willing to walk by His rules. For the unbeliever, there is also grace because that person does not know the Lord and Jesus wishes to make Himself known to that person. So just as the leper came to the Lord for healing, the unbeliever can come also and the Lord is able to look past the mistakes in that person’s life, heal them and thereby reveal Himself to such a person that way. Many have come to know the Lord in such a manner. You see, God is willing to help you.


But there is another aspect to this story. God was willing to heal the afflicted man but the man had to believe that somehow if he sought after Jesus, that his faith, as little as it might have been, would be rewarded. And he said as much when he reached out to Jesus and told Him, "If you are willing you CAN make me clean." He acknowledged that God could do it. In the same way, the scriptures also tell us that those who seek after the Lord must also believe that He is a REWARDER of them that diligently seek Him.


Hebrews 11:6 - "But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him."


So it is very important that in the middle of devastation and tragedy, you believe that God not only is able to help you but that He exists and that He really is willing to help you; that He actually wants to help you and rewards those that seek after Him. 


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall;

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the king’s horses and all the king's men;

Couldn't put Humpty together again...But God can.


Are you in the middle of devastation? Does it seem like your life has come apart at the seams? Are you wondering if you will ever get your life back and find true purpose and happiness? God wants to help you. Your answer is in Jesus Christ. Take the time today to just pray and ask Him to intervene and bring healing to your heart and emotions. He will do it.


May the Lord bless this Word to your heart.

Evangelist Mischa S. Safdie’

136 N. Grand Ave., Ste. 278

W. Covina, CA 91791

All messages are Copyright Protected but may be distributed to others at no cost for the furthering of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They may not be duplicated in bulk for the purposes of sale or profit without the express written consent of Mischa S. Safdie'. All rights reserved. Any duplication of these articles, except for the purposes specified above is strictly prohibited.

If this Word has blessed you, we would encourage you to share it with others. We would like to hear from you. So please write to us, if you would like, and let us know how these messages have been positive in helping transform your life into that of a servant for Jesus Christ. For additional articles authored and written by Mischa, or purchase of CD-Rom messages, please go to our website at


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