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"A Tribute to an Unknown God" "A Tribute to an Unknown God"

   Discussion: "A Tribute to an Unknown God"
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 13 years, 9 months ago



Awhile back, a friend, one of my daughter’s and I were driving somewhere for a family outing. During that time she was thinking about the topic she would speak about as guest speaker in this month's women's fellowship at our local church. She began to tell me about her search for God, which began in her early childhood. The story is unique for several reasons and so I thought I would share it with you. 


First of all, my friend is from Cambodia and came to the United States as a refugee and at the age of about 5 years old. Her family and the entire history of her family for all known generations is that they practiced the Buddhist religion. Today I am happy to say that she is the very first in a family of generations of Buddhists to become a practicing Christian; a true disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. Yet it was not always that way.


As we drove, she related to me how, as a child and eventual teenager, she used to keep a diary and write in it almost daily. In the diary, she would write letters to God.... however...she was never sure exactly who God was. She related how, in the beginning, she would begin her diary letters by writing, "Dear Buddha". However, when her prayers to Buddha were not answered, she changed the format of her letters and instead, she would address them differently and begin by writing, "Dear God". The problem with that though was that she did not know exactly "who" this "God" was. So finally in exasperation, she changed the format of her diary letters one more time and began by writing, "Dear faith", explaining that she had faith in "something and someone" but did not know in what or in whom. She only knew that there was a God. However, who this God was and how He chooses to communicate with us today, she did not know.


When I heard the story she told, I kind of laughed and thought about the letters my friend wrote to "An Unknown God". I began to wonder how many others in this world might actually pray and express themselves daily to a God that really is unknown to them. The Apostle Paul had such an experience during his ministry also that was quite interesting. We can read about it in the Book of Acts, chapter 17, verses 22 through 31. To kind of set the scene for you, the Apostle Paul was visiting Athens, Greece and one of the first things he noticed (verse 16) was that the city was absolutely full of idols. If you know and understand Greek mythology, you will read that there were idols worshipped by the Greeks for just about everything. They had a God for this and a God for that.... all kinds of Gods. In fact, we read in verse 23 that while Paul was walking about and looking at all the religious articles and idols of that day in Athens, he came upon an alter with an inscription that read, "To An Unknown God". Paul used this alter and tribute to "An Unknown God" as an opportunity and explained in verses 24 through 31 "who" this God is. To summarize his point, I would say that Paul basically told those he spoke with that he noticed they were a very religious people and had built an alter to an unknown God. He then proceeded to explain that what they worshipped in ignorance, he could shed light on. From there Paul told them how the God who created the world and all things in it did not dwell in temples made by hand, nor is He served by human hands. He explained that God wants us to have a real relationship with Him that is not through images of gold, silver, stone or other arts and made to be worshipped by human hands. He told them that the true God was not formed through art or the thoughts and ideas of man. Then Paul drew a wonderful bridge for the people of Athens to the true God when he stated in verses 30 and 31, "Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent, because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man (this Man is Jesus Christ) whom He has appointed. Having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead."


How wonderful! What a beautiful way to explain that this "Unknown God" does not have to be unknown to us any longer but that He can be known through His Son, Jesus Christ, who is the One who died for our sins, was crucified and raised from the dead.


Today as I write this, I am glad that my friend now knows that she can always pray and communicate to God through His Son, Jesus Christ. God no longer remains unknown to her. He has been revealed and explained to her through His Son and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Her diary was once addressed to idols and "an unknown God". Where her prayers were once pleas and cries to an "unknown God" that she was trying to find, who was just "out there somewhere", she now experiences a daily joy and living relationship with Yahweh (the Hebrew name for God) through His Son, Jesus Christ. Cries in the night to "an unknown God" were answered with revelation as to who this unknown God really is. Today my friend experiences spiritual growth, joy, happiness and a personal relationship with this once "Unknown God".


If you are reading this and can relate to this friend of mine and the people of Athens in Paul's day and you say, "Yeah, I understand that. That's me. That is where I am. I know there is something out there. I know there is a God. I believe in God but I just do not know who He is. I am confused." If that is you, then the answer for you will be found, just as Paul explained Jesus Christ. If you are interested in beginning a real relationship with God, please pray the following prayer with me and then do yourself a favor and seek out a good Bible-believing church and then go to there this Sunday and let the pastor know you have made a new commitment to the Lord. The pastor will help you grow from there. Please pray with me:


Dear Heavenly Father,


I want to know You and want You to be real to my life. I come to You knowing that I have not lived right and need forgiveness for my sins. As explained in this article, I believe now that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that You allowed Him to die on a cross as a sacrifice for me and to give His life and blood for my sins so that I might have eternal life with You. I ask now that Jesus will come into my life. I promise to do the best I can to serve Him. Lord Jesus I give my life and heart to You and ask You to come in and be the Lord of my life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen."


If you have prayed the above prayer and meant it, then I want you to know that today you have finally connected with the "Unknown God" and that your destiny is a life now filled with purpose and meaning on this earth, and eternal life in heaven afterwards. Also, to those who may once have walked closely with God and have been led away by the devil, God will welcome you back with open arms too, if you pray the above prayer and mean it with all of your heart.


May God bless this word to you.


Mischa Stuhler-Safdie'


Mischa Safdie' Ministries

136 N. Grand Avenue, Ste. 278

W. Covina, CA 91791


All messages are Copyright Protected but may be distributed to others at no cost for the furthering of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They may not be duplicated in bulk for the purposes of sale or profit without the express written consent of Mischa S. Safdie'. All rights reserved. Any duplication of these articles, except for the purposes specified above is strictly prohibited.

If this Word has blessed you, we would encourage you to share it with others. We would like to hear from you. So please write to us, if you would like, and let us know how these messages have been positive in helping transform your life into that of a servant for Jesus Christ. For additional articles authored and written by Mischa, or purchase of CD-Rom messages, please go to our website at


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