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Do I Love Enough? Do I Love Enough?

   Discussion: Do I Love Enough?
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 13 years, 9 months ago



We are all too familiar with passages of scripture that tell us that we are to love one another, to love our neighbor as our self and that the greatest gift of all gifts that God can give is the gift of love. Certainly all of these statements to the believer in Christ about love are true. However, is it enough to simply just love one another or is the heart cry of God something even greater? Is it enough to simply love your neighbor as yourself or is there more to it than that? Can love grow stagnant? These are all interesting questions that deserve an answer and I believe God has provided answers to them in His Word.


In the book of Philippians, chapter 1, verse 9 the Apostle Paul writes the following:


"And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in real knowledge and all discernment, ...(NASB)


One of the biggest problems in the church today is one of complacency in the area of "love". For some reason, many church members and clergy alike seem to have it in their minds that if they love at all, they love enough. And perhaps this is because it is such a high hurdle, in the days we live in, to just be able to walk in true love in any measure at all. Yet God, in His Word, is challenging us as believers to walk in yet a higher and ever-increasing level of love. It is not enough to just love. Our standards should be set for our love to increase.


As the above scripture states, our love should abound "more and more". It needs to increase. As an example, if you were to take a cup of water and add "more and more" water to it, then the water level in the cup would grow or rise within, right? It is the same for "love". If we add "more and more" to an existing level of love, then our love should not remain at the same level it previously was at but instead it should "grow and grow".


This message God has given is a short one, but the point is clear. Let us not become complacent and satisfied with the level of love we walk in. Our love needs to "grow and grow"..."more and more". God is calling His saints to walk in a higher level of love. Each one of us needs to examine our own heart and ask this question. "Is my love growing?" Let me ask you a question. "Do you love enough?" If your answer is "yes", then you are a part of the deception that has kept the church body walking in a lower level than God has intended. The only correct answer to the question is "no" because the Lord is challenging us to allow love to abound "more and more". Therefore it must grow. It cannot stay the same or else just like water left alone in a glass, it becomes stagnant in time. True love always grows. It always increases. If you find yourself satisfied with the level of love that you walk in, then you are already becoming stagnant. And if you say, "I really have never thought about that", then you may already BE stagnant in the area of love. Love has to abound. It has to grow. It must be ever increasing within you. It must multiply.


To conclude, we can learn a valuable lesson from the parable in the Bible about the master giving talents to his servants. The one servant that did not increase or multiply his talent was condemned by the master. Why? Because he chose to bury it and to allow it to stagnate. What will you do with your love? Will you allow it to multiply or will it stagnate within you?


With a true love that is ever increasing, the church of God can change the world just as Jesus Christ changed the world when He walked on the earth. The church is supposed to be representative of Jesus Christ in the earth today, but many churches today are almost impotent in their ability to reach out and minister true life and reality to others because those carrying the message of Christ themselves are self-absorbed, and walk in a much lower level of love than God would desire. The solution is for love to abound more and more within each of our hearts. We must seek after it! We must pray for it! We must hunger and thirst for it! 




Lord Jesus, I come to you and ask that you touch me with Your Holy Spirit. Please put within my heart, a desire for Your love to grow within me continually so that I can be a light to others. Help me never to become satisfied with where I am at but to continually desire to grow in Your love. I thank you Lord for hearing me. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


May the Lord bless this Word to your heart.


Mischa S. Safdie'


Mischa Safdie' Ministries

136 N. Grand Avenue, Ste. 278

W. Covina, CA 91791

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