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Barnes & Noble Carrying Our Books & Status of Online Book Store Website & Books Barnes & Noble Carrying Our Books & Status of Online Book Store Website & Books

   Discussion: Barnes & Noble Carrying Our Books & Status of Online Book Store Website & Books
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 2 years, 10 months ago

Hello Everyone:

Last year I had opened an Online book store website separate from this one but after making some changes in our ministry and discovering a better way to market our books, we have decided to discontinue the book store website and will list and make our books and those we recommend available on THIS website instead.

Also about this time last year the Barnes and Noble Store in Yuma, Arizona picked up both of my books ..."Escape from Apostasy" and "Escape from Your Past".  Three months ago I did a book signing there that was a huge success.  I am working on book number three now and hope to complete it by the holidays of 2022.  The Yuma store has already committed to buying a number of the third books and wants to plan another book signing.  Meanwhile I will be doing what I can to market the books at other Barnes and Noble outlets.  Meanwhile if you are interested in purchasing either book, they can be ordered Onl9ne wherever books are sold, through my Publisher "Amazon" or directly from our ministry. Thank you and God bless you.


In Christ,


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