Thank you for your request. We pray that the laws of our land are obeyed, of course but want to maintain sensitivity to the needs of others....needs we may not all understand and relate to. My heart is to pray for everyone involved. Our desire as Christians is to see all saved and come to a knowledge of Jesus Christ no matter where that will be. As Christians and citizens of this country we encourage those who come here to do so legally while still being sensitive to those running for their lives and seeking legitimate asylum. We are a country of immigrants and must remember the basis on which we were founded. My family and I immigrated here as did my parents and grandparents to flee from oppression and virtual worldwide hatred. My wife immigrated from the Philippines legally. This is a difficult situation as many involved come for different reasons and may not have the finances it costs to come legally. I am not making excuses for anyone but rather than pray that those not here legally feel terrible and uncomfortable, I would rather pray the love of God in the situation and that the Lord speak to the hearts of all involved. No matter what the situation, how difficult or how unfair it even may seem, we must strive to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ in all situations.