Dear "F":
Thank you for your post. In response, God is not an advocate of the violance we have seen in this country by what is termed the "left" or the "right". What we all have to eralize is what the bible means when it tells us that "our war is not against flesh and blood but unseen principlalities, powers and rulers of darkness. It is a spiritual battle that is taking place and it becomes manifest in the flesh of those who unfortunately are not really walking by the Spirit and trusting Christ, It s true we must pray but we do not pray AGAINST people but rather for their salvation and a change of heart. We pray FOR change among the decieved and we [ray for love and understanding amonst ourselves. We stand up and contend for our faith and what is right but we do it in love....always in love. There is no place for hate in the Body of Christ. Jesus even commands that we "love our enemies". It is sad to see the turmoil going on in our country but we must all pray. A line is being drawn between those who want to walk and live righteously according to God's Word versus those who want to sit in the throne of their hearts and reject the true King of kings and Lord of Lords. Our answers though will not be found in the left or the right political parties, in Presidents, kings or the wisdom of man but rather they will only be found in Jesus Christ. We must all remember that.