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Beware of the Schitzophrenic Christian Beware of the Schitzophrenic Christian

   Discussion: Beware of the Schitzophrenic Christian
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 9 years, 3 months ago


Hey, pretty catching title huh? Ha! But have you ever run across Christian brothers and sisters who don't really know what they believe...or even worse, they say they believe but really don't? Why don't they put into practice that which they profess to believe in? Maybe it's because they really don't believe at all...but their churches still want your membership (and money). Example....I see some say they believe in the 5 fold ministry functioning in the Church today, but if you were to show them a true Prophet or Apostle, they would think or say "false apostle", "false prophet". They say and preach that healing is in the atonement, and it is...but when they pray for healing, because they lack faith, they pray, " If it be Thy will."....or if someone comes along with a healing ministry they are quick to dismiss him as a fraud. They say they believe in the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit, which includes the Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge, but if someone has such a word or revelation by the Holy Spirit they try and silence them. They say they believe sometimes people, when prayed for, can fall down and are "slain in the Spirit"....even giving two biblical references, but will not allow it to occur in their church...EVER. Not all professed apostles and prophets are true ones, not everyone who claims to have the gift of healing really does, not all who fall backwards when prayed for are really touched by the power of God and not everyone who claims to have a word from the Lord does.....BUT SOME DO. We cannot profess publically that we believe in these things but then quench the Holy Spirit and shut them down when they do occur. Rather than Christian schizophrenia, many Christians, including ministers especially need one of the 9 spiritual gifts they profess to believe in operating within their own lives and ministry; this is the Gift of Discernment. It is very confusing when certain ministries profess verbally to believe in everything, yet practice NOTHING. They forbid the practice of those things that they say they believe in. This is usually because of outright unbelief, skepticism or a lack of understanding and discernment. I call such people Christian schizophrenics. To others they are considered two faced, but when looking to associate with a particular fellowship or church these areas of doctrine and practice should be paid attention to. If not, you will mostly end up very confused or caught up in continual misinderstandings. I believe the Book of Acts should function in EVERY church and that the days of the greater works and tremendous miracles still lie ahead for the New Testament Church of this generation. If we are not experiencing this, then something is missing. May God bless you

Mischa S. Safdie', Evangelist and Pastor

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