I am thinking today about the goodness of God and His grace and mercy towards us. We know the story of Humpty Dumpty from childhood. He was an egg that fell off a wall and shattered. The poem goes like this - "Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All of the King's horses and all of the King's men, couldn't put Humpty together again." Remember that?
That was my life. I was speeding through it, trying to ignorantly serve God but compromising here and there along the way. Deep in my heart I wanted to serve the Lord and I think God saw that and He sees it in you too. Eventually as I sped through life as the pilot of my own plane, captain of my own ship and driver of my own car, sitting on the throne of my own heart instead of Jesus being there where he should have been, I finally hit a wall and crashed...and when I hit it, I hit it very hard. I did not just fall off the wall like Humpty did, but I crashed into it and lost while the wall won. The egg shells and fallout were everywhere.
Throughout my life I was artful at getting out of jams, bullet proof or so I thought, highly independent and able to guide my own life....I thought. When God spoke to me, I have to admit, I often heard but simply would not listen. I guess I did not take God serious enough and maybe did not think, with all the talk about grace, grace, grace..that I really had anything waiting for me to overly worry about or a price to pay for wrong decisions I knowingly made. I can tell you today, although I still bare the scars from the wounds I received when I hit that wall that hitting it was the LOVE OF GOD. It was the best thing that could have happened to me given where I was at in life at that time, and the ONLY way God could get my attention.....and He did. I was so devastated that I could not pick up the pieces of shattered egg shells that represented shattered health and a shattered life. No man, no doctor, no preacher could totally help me although some tried. Some could and did point my in the right direction though. But in the end, I want you all to know that God can and did put Humpty back together again. He did it in such a magnificent way that life is better now than it was before that crash into the wall. But there were two words I had to utter that I think God patiently waited for me to say and MEAN for a very, very long time and that was, "I SURRENDER".
You see, like many I understood Jesus as "Savior"....but I never knew Him as absolute LORD of my life....until then. LORD means that He is now the driver of the car, captain of the ship and pilot of the plane. It means that He now sits upon the throne of your heart and you step off. It means He is the One now in charge of the decision making process in your life instead of you.
I write this because it is sad that I see here on Facebook and other places some that I have ministered to for many years now still not understanding that Jesus cannot just be your Savior...He has to be your LORD. I see some come to church and pray only when they are in trouble. To them Jesus is a "bailout" and thank God He has sent His Son to help us in times of need. But then, because they do not know Jesus as their "LORD" they go right back into living in sin and compromise again until the next crisis....and it goes on and on as they just waste years of their lives. They become "Yo-Yo Christians"...up and down, in and out all the time, never growing and never maturing. Will it take a devastating crash to get your attention? I hope not..but God is faithful. The Bible has wisdom on this when it says, "IT IS BETTER TO FALL UPON THE ROCK AND BE BROKEN, THEN TO HAVE THE ROCK FALL UPON YOU AND GRIND YOU TO POWDER." - MATTHEW 21:44 That "ROCK" is Jesus Christ.
There will be some reading this and this message has fingered you as being such a person who needs to read this message now. To others it is only confirmation to something you too have found out is very true through your own experience. For some maybe you are living the after effects of hitting that same wall I did once. All the King's horses and all the King's men couldn't put Humpty together again......but God can.
Those days were the absolute worst days of my life and yet they were the best days because they bore the best results. I once heard it said by someone that "I never learned much while on the mountain top. All my best lessons were while I was in the valley." Isn't that the truth? But I still I hope some reading this learn before they hit bottom. It would be so much better if we could heed the warnings of others...a signpost that says, "Don't Go That Way"! But for those who do not, be encouraged that the Lord is faithful not to leave us or forsake us if we have a heart to serve Him...even in our stupidity or selfishness. He can bring us back.
Today, I thank God for His grace and mercy on my life, but I sure don't want to make the same mistake twice and I continually pray that never happens. If I could give any word of wisdom here besides what I have already written, it would be, "Don't trust yourself. Trust God." God makes better decisions and He is NEVER wrong. May the Lord bless you all.
By Evangelist Mischa Safdie’
Mischa Safdie’ Ministries
136 N. Grand Ave., Ste. 278
W. Covina, CA 91791
(951) 796-3936
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