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Warning to Church in a Dream Warning to Church in a Dream

   Discussion: Warning to Church in a Dream
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 9 years, 11 months ago

Warning to Church in a Dream

I had an interesting series of dreams last night from the Lord...very disturbing. To go into full detail would take too long here. But the Lord said they were an abomination to Him. First, I saw professed Christian women abandoning their marriages for divorce to good, Christian husbands for no reason but the simple reason they no longer wanted to be married anymore and they wanted the single life. I asked the Lord how things came to this point and he told me that the women all had one thing in common and it was that they began compromising spiritually and morally in little things. I saw Christian husbands that refused to support their families and their families were living far below poverty lines. The Lord said it was due to a lack of faith and leadership by husbands and fathers in the Christian home. I next saw a powerful and influential pastor whom I do not know who called himself an Apostle and had strong influence among the younger crowd. In the dream I went to visit him at his home and he disclosed he was under stress. So he retrieved first a bottle of champagne, then a small jar of wine and drank from each. When I tried to stop him he tried to convince me I should try it too because it helps. Then he grabbed a handful of sedatives and ate them. I told him in the dream that he was an addict and had nothing to offer me. I walked and then ran away and he was chasing me....telling me I needed what he had. I asked the Lord how he got that way and He told me it was through compromising his lifestyle and the Word of God. Then the Lord told me this..."You will find in these last days that the greatest enemy of the Church, and what the Church is entering into now, is a battle orchestrated by Satan specifically to pull wives, husbands and ministers down through use of two tactics.....compromise and a lack of faith. This is where the battle will be." People, I believe this to be a warning from God to all Christians. Be diligent, be careful, do not allow distractions to disrupt your spiritual walk with God and do not compromise in even what you may consider "the little things". God bless.

By Evangelist Mischa Safdie’


Mischa Safdie’ Ministries

136 N. Grand Ave., Ste. 278

W. Covina, CA 91791

(951) 796-3936

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