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Instant Church Growth? Instant Church Growth?

   Discussion: Instant Church Growth?
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 9 years, 11 months ago

INSTANT CHURCH GROWTH? - By Pastor & Evangelist Mischa Safdie'

Instant Church Growth? It can happen but not usually. Having planted a number of successful churches, I can tell you it takes much work, much time and much love. ...something some pastors and their small congregations don't have much "time" for. Whatever happened to periodic phone calls to visitors or missing attendees by the pastor or at least pastoral staff? Maybe showing up to see how they are doing with a gift bag of groceries, a pie. ...offering to cut their grass....just asking how they are and offering to pray with them? In a time of instant everything....ministers and their staffs need to understand that church is not run like a corporation, it is not a not even singing and preaching, but should be a ministry of Jesus Christ and love. There is no substitute for love, folks. People want to know you care about them and that they matter.

When I was a kid growing up in the Assemblies of God Church in Garland, TX this day...the things that stick in my mind more than all the messages preached was that the head pastor of my church, the late Leonard Woods and his then Assistant Pastor E Wayne Hanks, used to come to our home together on occasion just to see how we were. We were regular members too...but my stepdad was not saved. Yet they came and were just there to be available. I was so proud when the next weekend my dad came to church with us as a family for the very first time. They came and visited just that one time as I recall but to me, as a kid, oh what a special time that was! The pastor and his assistant were special men who heard from God and I had so much respect and admiration for both of them. The idea that they were coming to MY house was so exciting and made me feel so special. ...and I wanted to come to church even more. I am a minister myself now and getting to my senior years soon but have never...ever forgotten that time.

Sadly, as time progressed before I was in ministry, I had attended both large and small churches where it seemed many of the pastors hardly knew who I was and would not even notice if I was not there. And the ones who did know who I was had never even stopped at my home to say "hello". The exception was one pastor, and his care and prayers helped get me back on track. But most were not that way. They spoke at church, preached, accepted offering money from me....but never knew where I lived, how I lived or seemed to care to know anything about me. Today is seems like everyone wants to teach, preach and be in the limelight...but have no desire or time for the less visible ministry of just simple Godly love and caring. Times have changed but Jesus is unchangeable and I believe we need to go back to a true revelation and practice of Godly love, caring, hospitality and kindness in ministry. The greatest testimony is still love. I think if ministers will do that, they will experience church growth and a faithful congregation.

By Evangelist Mischa Safdie’


Mischa Safdie’ Ministries

136 N. Grand Ave., Ste. 278

W. Covina, CA 91791

(951) 796-3936

All messages are Copyright Protected but may be distributed to others at no cost for the furthering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  They may not be duplicated in bulk for the purposes of sale or profit without the express written consent of Mischa S. Safdie'.  All rights reserved.  Any duplication of these articles, except for the purposes specified above is strictly prohibited.

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If you would like a CD copy of the original message brought by Evangelist Safdie', Please go to the Home Page of our website and search under "Word Messages", where this message and others by Mischa can be obtained.





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