When I was a little boy I had the highest regard for a minister. In my innocence and the limited understanding of a child I still held to the thought that a minister could show you the way to God. I had the utmost respect for a preacher. Recently, after hearing about the TV reality show, "PREACHER'S OF L.A." I decided to watch 2 episodes which was all I could stomach before having to take a spiritual laxative and turn this stupid abomination of a show off. Are you kidding me? Not one of these men could lead me to God because THEY sure don't know where He is or anything about Him. Follow these men? I wouldn't follow even one of them to the grocery store! You say, "C'mon Pastor Mischa. They are only human." No. There is a light year of difference between being "only human" and "totally carnal". It's ministers like those on this show that give the Church and true, conscientious ministers a bad name....as the world watches and laughs, being solidified in misconceptual belief and stigma that all preachers of the Gospel are money hungry, power grabbing hypocrites. Put a feather in the cap of Hollywood producers for this one. They could only produce what baloney and unprincipalled lifestyles these "reality ministers" gave them. The Church should be ashamed and on their knees over this misrepresentation of the Gospel and Christian faith. But hey....watch the show at least once and get an education. Then ask yourself, "Is this how some people could perceive me and my ministry?" Let's hope not....and if so, do something about it and repent. God knows that in the last days as always, the Lord is looking for credibility in the ministry...and yes. ..for men and women who really can point the way to God for the wearisome traveler in life who is on the road searching. Brothers and sisters, we can do better than this. Don't let your life and ministry be nothing more than a cheap reality show that satisfies the critical hunger of skeptics.
Evangelist and Pastor Mischa Safdie'
September 11, 2014