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A True Prophetic Warning to Ministers & Their Families A True Prophetic Warning to Ministers & Their Families

   Discussion: A True Prophetic Warning to Ministers & Their Families
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 10 years, 7 months ago

A TRUE PROPHETIC WARNING TO MINISTERS AND THEIR FAMILIES - Satan has declared a new level of war against all true ministers and ministries of the Gospel who hold to a true message of the cross. It is designed to smear the reputation of such ministers and to stifle their credibility and effectiveness. It will come in the form of harrassment through civil and even criminal litigation, false charges, innuendos and accusations....all as a form of a new type of persecution. Wives and children of such ministers will not be immune. Moreso now than ever churches need to pray for their pastors ....and ministers need to start praying for each other. I am writing this under the anointing of the Holy Spirit tonight. It is a prophetic warning that is even now taking place. God's ministers are under attack even now. For some the past is trying to creep back into their lives and the devil has assigned specific familiar spirits who are familiar with that person and their past to use old tactics to ensnare them to the point of condemnation that will cause them to concede to Satan's will and even get many to withdraw from ministry. Share this....get it out. This is absolutely a prophetic Word from God. very close attention to what I am writing. Satan will try to use these things to divide and conquer...divide familes, divide churches and then conquer and destroy the individual minister. Demons have been unleashed with a specific task to go after true ministers of the Gospel, their families and churches. Only God's grace and mercy through faith in the provisions of Jesus Christ on the cross and the Word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit will get you through. I write this as the Holy Spirit is dictating what I am to say. No one is immune. All who preach the Truth have been singled out for attack. This is not to scare anyone. Our victory is in Christ but we must take it....we must appropriate, pray and intercede. A scriptural Word comes to mind that "the Kingdom of God suffers violence and violent men take it by force." Brothers and sisters we are in that time now and had better get serious about our walk or calling, or we can get hit and dropped by the enemy. I feel impressed to add this: The Holy Spirit is warning every true minister to watch what you say and do....particularly when it involves women and finances. Watch your morals, behavior and conduct. Be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove. I am not talking about guilt and innocence here...nor about covering up inappropriate behavior. Let me be clear. Satan has given an order to find ways to set you up and entrap you in order to destroy your ministry. Do not give him the chance. The Bible says "Do not give the devil an opportunity." And to "avoid even the APPEARANCE of evil." This is the Word people. It's not about the messenger. It's the message God is speaking to you. Take heed. Act on this. Pray as families. Call a special night or nights of intercession over this message in your churches. If you ignore the message you will sadly see God was speaking and you were caught off guard. You will also see fellow ministers fall. Please pray. God will give you witness if you are sincere. Do not ignore this. I have been obedient and brought this message as I was told to. Now I too will need your prayers so please pray for me. May God be with you all.

Evangelist & Pastor Mischa S. Safdie'

September 14, 2014

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