It seems like some ministers want to build their ministries on sensationalism, preying off hungry church goers that want to "see something" and EXPERIENCE the miraculous. Certainly there is nothing wrong with wanting to know and experience God as long as it is done through the confines and parameters of His Word and not false doctrine or familiar spirits....which can easily happen if we get our focus off Jesus or try and reinvent the Gospel.
Brothers and sisters, like it or not, there is only one way. ...the narrow way that few find, and it is through the message of the cross. Without that message you have nothing. With that message you WILL EXPERIENCE Jesus Christ, witness the miraculous and be a part of it....but on the right level. Instead of experiencing counterfeits on the psychic soulish realm that can NEVER equal the true power of Christ due to inconsistencies, you will be able to experience and trust the real thing.
The best man can offer up in himself or even through demonic powers, that may even be innocent but still deceptive error on his part, amounts to little more than a third rate magic show in comparison to the accuracy, permanence and Holy Spirit power of the true Jesus Christ.
Man neither should or can take credit for the power of God. If so, his ministry will only fail in the end. God does NOT share His power and anointing with the ego of man or the ego of ANY minister. The two will always eventually clash. It is all Christ. ..or nothing. The bible says that God is a jealous God. No flesh shall glory in His sight. This is why the Apostle Paul, speaking of Christ, wrote that "He must increase and I must decrease." Paul understood what far too many ministers today either don't understand or don't want to accept and yield to.
I pray that you will keep this short writing in mind when perhaps you evaluate what a true church and minister or ministry should be. It must always point to Jesus Christ and the cross....not sensationalism and glorification of a man.
May God bless this Word to your heart.
By Evangelist Mischa Safdie’
Mischa Safdie’ Ministries
136 N. Grand Ave., Ste. 278
W. Covina, CA 91791
(951) 796-3936
All messages are Copyright Protected but may be distributed to others at no cost for the furthering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They may not be duplicated in bulk for the purposes of sale or profit without the express written consent of Mischa S. Safdie'. All rights reserved. Any duplication of these articles, except for the purposes specified above is strictly prohibited.
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