"THE ARROGANCE OF THE DECEIVED" - A Warning to All Christians
Within the past few months I attended a service as a guest. I speak often at many churches and also visit many others as well as try and support the ones I speak at to scout out areas spiritually and look for open doors where I can bring the message of the cross to hungry people. Many, many ministers and groups have embraced this message with open arms. Some who started to stray from the true Gospel message before I got there heard it and quietly, humbly made adjustments to correct their paths without evening mentioning anything to me. For the most part I have found favor with the Lord and ministers in most places I have gone. Therefore, I will leave the name of the church and its pastor I am speaking of out of my comments, as it is not necessary to point the finger at anyone. In fact, in the end no one would know and perhaps it is fitting that each who reads this ask the Lord as the disciples also did of the Lord on His last Passover with them, asking, "Is it I?" Rather, we all need to take heed to this and look at ourselves. The Bible says that we should each examine ourselves to SEE IF WE ARE OF THE FAITH. Introspection anointed by the Holy Spirit is not necessarily a bad thing. To continue, I know the minister I am speaking of and he always had a legitimate gift in one particular area of ministry from God, as many often do. The question is, he is at the point where either he will give credit to the Lord or take it for himself in order to build a ministry. Don't say, "I think I know who it is"... because many have gone that way already.
This man is at a crossroads in his ministry. I had known that for some time. But I almost fell out of my chair when he said, "The church and the government (state) are coming together as one..and its a good thing." I could not believe my ears! Another minister that has drank the koolaide!
Yes, pastor....the government and APOSTATE church is coming together as one. We are seeing the Anti-Christ church....the tares coming together, and we are seeing the remnant of wheat separated and trust me, the wheat (true church) is not becoming one with this government that has positioned itself far away from Christ on many issues such as same sex marriage and legalized abortion, just to name a few.
The Book of Revelation speaks very clearly about this when it talks of the harlot church that rides on the back of the beast (the Antichrist) and the beast eventually turns and devours her. The false church will be an ecumenical church of a majority of "professed" Christian groups and denominations who have compromised the true Gospel of Jesus Christ for their own kingdoms and sensationalism in place of the TRUE MESSAGE OF THE GOSPEL AND HOLY SPIRIT....and it will loosely unite with other religions. Only the wheat...God's remnant, which will be a minority of true Christians will be left in the end. This Antichrist religion will use the name of "Jesus" freely but in reality they will preach a Christ without a cross. The head of this church will be the "False Prophet"..a religious figure referred to in the Book of Revelation who unites with the Antichrist to try and get all religions to endorse him and his world program and agenda, thus attempting to create a one world religion. However, once the Antichrist has what he wants, Revelation says that he will turn mercilessly upon the harlot church/ religious system that rode upon his back and will devour her.
When I heard this minister...someone whom I have known for years...preach this message, my heart melted in disappointment because he has heard the message of the cross and true Gospel of Jesus Christ from my own mouth, as have many.
Not long ago I brought a message I have brought in many churches that is also popular in CD sales that I am quite sure he heard entitled "A New Cart" where I had spoke about how Israel had been commanded to carry the Ark of the Covenant....the presence of God for that time...the proper way...with poles hanging through hoops and men carrying it by the poles without touching it. In the message I contrasted the old and proper way of carrying the Ark of the Covenant with the manner in which King David tried to carry it later, discarding the old way and setting it on what the bible said was "A NEW CART" they had built to carry the Ark. When they tried to carry it on the new cart, it became unsteady and when one of David's soldiers reached and touched it to try and steady it he dropped dead. David was angered and perplexed, and what occurred immediately brought a real fear of God into his heart to the point he abandoned it for awhile and would not touch it....not understanding and paying heed that initially God had ALREADY given instructions on exactly how they were to carry God's presence.
Today many in the so called Christian church are replacing the Jesus of the Bible with "A NEW CART MINISTRY" that is full of entertainment and a nightclub mentality, chalk full rap concerts, motivational speakers and gimmicks to fill the seats and distract people from the One and True Jesus Christ. Churches are abandoning their bibles, removing anything symbolic of Jesus Christ from their churches and replacing it with colored lights, smoke, black walls and ceilings, and turning the sanctuary and meeting place of Christians to fellowship with the Lord into anything and everything but that. There are even "pub churches" where you can have your Jesus and have your beer too! This is no joke!
It angered my heart to then hear this same man who no doubt heard my message, refer to it, creating a message of his own with the same title..."A NEW CART" with me sitting right in front of him...in my very presence...and to then try and mislead his own congregation by referring to another place in the Bible where a random "cart" was used to carry the Ark of the Covenant. What he failed to tell his congregation was that this "cart" in his illustration was used in desperation by the Philistines..an ungodly people.. to return the Ark of the Covenant back to Israel after they had stolen it and were already cursed because of it. The curses they experienced were already so bad they grabbed the Ark any way they could, put it on a cart drawn by horses or oxen and "got it out of Dodge" as fast as they could. They were already cursed just for having it in their presence. It did not belong to them. God did not judge them with death for putting the Ark on a cart because they were pagans and therefore not even under the Jewish laws, subject to them or expected to adhere to them, and they were trying to return the Ark in ignorance, having no knowledge of the Jewish laws or proper ways to carry it. However, in contrast, King David and the Jews should have known better and had access to the Law just as we Christians do to God's Word today and this is especially true of God's own ministers. King David and the Israelites knew how to carry the Srk of the Covenant but were disobedient to the Law or Word of God and paid a price for it. Today as Christian's and particularly God's ministers we too are responsible to walk under the precepts of the Word of God without trying to change them.
The message by this minister seemed to be a blatant, masterful attempt of Satan to use this very sincere man to turn and twist scripture and attack the correct message. I say "masterful" for those who have no discernment and understanding of the true Word of God. To me it was a bunch of baloney. This man then tried to make the false analogy that "there is nothing wrong with "a new cart". He went on to proudly state that his ministry was "a new cart" being used to bring in NEW THINGS. As sad as it is, he is not alone. Many ministers, both well meaning and not seem to think this way. Well, I must say that in this regard, he was quite honest and apparently quite correct also. If the people paid attention and listened carefully then they should know what is coming for them and what they need to do about it.
Some might ask, "Well, did you confront that brother and correct him?" My answer is "No. It would, in this case be pointless because he believed in what he was doing and had made up his own mind." He knows the Word of God and will have to make his own choice after having heard the truth many times and knowing the Word of God himself. Brothers and sisters, it is pointless to correct such a person in this particular circumstance....not all circumstances though....because they have heard the Word, know it and have decided to become their own God and make their own choices. However, it shows that prophecy is being fulfilled when the Bible says in the last days some will DEPART THE FAITH giving heed to DOCTRINES OF DEMONS (false teaching and doctrine) and SEDUCING SPIRITS (spirits of deception). I pray for this man and his ministry. He cannot use the name of God forever and maintain legitimacy in the eyes of the Lord or eyes of God's true children. While the callings of God are irrevocable, meaning that God does not repent for the calling He places on a person, it is required that the person still be obedient and faithful to that calling. If not, the Holy Spirit can depart along with the gifts God originally gave and Satan will step in to fill the void and pervert the gift for his own use. Ministers with such views, no matter how sincere they are, must repent and do so quickly because time is short. We all must preach the correct message which is the message of Jesus and the cross, our atonement in it and it's appropriation through the Holy Spirit. We must stick to the Gospel.
Finally, I want to conclude by encouraging you to read and know your Bible...and to live by the precepts and ways instructed in the Word of God. Nothing can replace the Truth. We have ministers today that are giving themselves titles and willing to compromise and sell out the Gospel and Jesus with it in order to build their own kingdoms and ministries. God gives them a gift once upon a time and since then that minister has taken credit for things only God can do and has placed his or her name on posters and brochures, promoting themselves, taking credit for the works of God that belong to Jesus and then leaving Jesus in the dust behind him somewhere, mentioning only His name and using Christian jargon as a means of maintaining a sense of legitimacy by appearance and for the purpose of luring others into their net of apostasy. This writing may seem harsh but it is necessary. I direct it at no one personally and believe if we think about it we all know of ministries that fit into this compromising catagory. I pray that all of you will make sure you attend a Bible teaching and believing church that is not afraid to talk about the consequences of sin, the reality of hell, is not set on political correctness in order to obtain money and membership...and that preaches the true Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the message of the cross. All of the things we need in this life and the life to come have been provided for us by Jesus ON THE CROSS at Calvary. There is no other Gospel message. May God bless you all!
By Evangelist Mischa Safdie’
Mischa Safdie’ Ministries
136 N. Grand Ave., Ste. 278
W. Covina, CA 91791
(951) 796-3936
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If you would like a CD copy of the original message brought by Evangelist Safdie', Please go to the Home Page of our website and search under "Word Messages", where this message and others by Rev. Safdie' can be obtained.