Brought a Message tonight at The Father's House in Palm Springs entitled "Created to Be Different - Spiritual Genetics 101" and this morning a message entirled, "You Are Different-Spiritual Genetics 101". I spoke about the fact that God has imputed His own genetics into us at conversion to Christ by way of the Holy Spirit because at conversion, His Spirit actually dwells in us, not to mention baptism of the Holy Spirit as evidenced with the prayer language known as "tongues". He calls Himself the "firstborn of many brethren" and this means we are related to Christ though spiritual attributes. We read the Bible and see the linage of Jesus Christ "BC" but how many of you know that we too are included in that linage.... "AD"? One day in the annals of heaven in the recorded books, YOU TOO will most likely see yourself recorded in the very linage of Jesus Christ AD. Imagine that! And its virtually a guarantee if you keep on walking with Him. May God bless you all.
Either this message or the first message on this topic I entitled, "You Are Different-Spiritual Genetics 101" will soon be posted on the MEDIA section of this web site where you can listen to it. Just go there, scroll to the title of the message and click it there and you can listen and enjoy.
These messages are highly anointed, great for devotion, teaching and ministry. Feel free to use them, May God bless you.
Pastor & Evangelist Mischa S. Safdie'
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