Hi Phil:
Thank you so much for continuing to visit our ministry web site and request prayer. I am praying for you and I know others who visit this site, read the requests but choose not to comment are also praying for you. You are welcome, if you happen to reside in any of the areas where I speak, to visit a service. You can see where I will be at my checking the Calandar section of tis site on the Home Page. Also, there are Word messages I have posted on this site on the Media section that you can listen to without any expense and many of them will address some of the issue you are going through and will help you. In the Forum section many of my articles and sermon notes are there and they too may provide help for you in your devotional time. We serve a great God, Phil. The Lord says the He will withold no good thing from us and that all good gifts come from Him. However, we have to position ourselves spiritually where qwe can receive those "good things" and this is based on right and true personal relationship with Jesus Christ...not religion. Did you know the the bible says that "he who desires a wife desires a good thing"? Yes! So your request, in the eyes of God is a good one. Phil, what I did when I was single was I srated praying for that special future wife even though I did not know who she was or where she was. And at the right time, God brought us together and it turned out she lived all the way on the other side of the world....the other side of the Pacific Ocean. You see, brother, that is the power of the God we serve. He can do ANYTHING. So be encouraged, put God first in your life and remember what the bible says when it tells us to "Seek ye first the Kingdonm of God and ALL others things will be provided for you." Put God first, and He will take care of you. I always tell people...."I take care of God's business and then He takes care of mine." :-) May the Lord bless you.
Pastor & Evangelist Mischa Safdie'