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Intro to MEDIA Message - "The Sin of Achan" Intro to MEDIA Message - "The Sin of Achan"

   Discussion: Intro to MEDIA Message - "The Sin of Achan"
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 11 years, 7 months ago


In this message Evangeslist Mischa discussed the dangers and sin of putting things between ourselves and God. When we give more importance and priority to things than the Lord, then we end up making idols of them and this is something God not only prohibited in Old Testament times but also today. Even seemingly good things can become idols and cut us off from the very blessings of the Lord that we seek if we put those things before and ahead of God; be it materialism, relationships, professions and so forth. Achan unlawfully took and then hid silver and gold, among other things. He violated a directed covenant between God and Israel in what he did and as a result all Israel bore the consequences of that one man's sin. We may wonder, do the idols we have in our hearts cause those we love, those most dear to us, our family and even those in our churches to share in the consequence? It happened to Israel and it also sealed Achan's judgment by his own death. Fortunately today we have the grace and the atonement of Jesus Christ through the cross that allows us to repent and be set free from the idols of our hearts. It is not a grace that allows us to keep sinning but a grace that allows us to overcome and to change. We sincerely hope you listen to this message as it might provide a reason why some people's prayers go unanswered. God said in His Word that if we regard iniquity in our hearts, He will not hear our cries. Is there something in your heart separating you from the Lord? If you are interested in listening to this message, please go to the Home Page of this site, click the "MEDIA" button, you'll see the message on the top of the list. Click the message with your mouse and cursor and enjoy! Many God bless you!

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