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   Discussion: HELP IS ON THE WAY! - Ser Nts
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 11 years, 8 months ago


  1. Have you ever done all the right things and yet you get set-up and persecuted by others? You are treated unjustly like a castaway. You are thrown into a prison that can be literal or it can be a prison of terrible circumstances? If that is you, then you are not the only one. In fact it happened to men in the Bible.


  1. Joseph, who was betrayed by his brothers, cast out of his home and sold into slavery, spent much of his life in a prison and was even accused of attempted rape when he did nothing. Yet in the end God delivers him and he becomes 2nd to Pharaoh in command of all Egypt and actually lives to see his brothers and family come to him for help. He experiences total vindication. Evean when he did not know it, help was on the way.
  2. Acts 16: 23-30  Apostle Paul - What about men like the Apostle Paul who did nothing but preach the Gospel and found himself beaten and thrown into prison for talking about the goodness and salvation of Jesus Christ? An earthquake comes in the middle of the night as they are shackled and singing praises in jail and the jail doors are opened and they are set free. Help was on the way.
  3. Job – who served God faithfully, was set-up by the devil, lost his health and all that he had, was laughed at and called a fool by his wife, telling him to curse God and die. Yet in the end, he is healed and his wealth is restored. Help was on the way.
  4.  Do you know that in the cases of all of these men, help was on the way and God delivered them? You may say, “But oh, Pastor…I was accused and charged…I was punished …but I really DID do wrong and deserved it. Then see Luke 23:39-43 and read about the thief on the cross who, as he was dying, believed upon Jesus and was welcomed into the gates of heaven! Help was still on the way for this thief. Whether we are undeserving of our circumstances or not, when we humble ourselves and seek the Lord…call upon Him and believe on Him, I want you to know that “help is on the way.”
  1. In this message, I want to focus on one other person who was set-up, falsely accused, persecuted for his belief and paid what seemed like the ultimate price for not compromising his faith. This man was willing to face death rather than renounce his faith and belief in God. In fact, because of his faith and belief in a Living God, we will see that despite seemingly impossible obstacles to overcome with his life hanging in the balance, he was not alone. Help was on the way. 

Text: DANIEL CHAPTER 6 (Read entire text, expound and summarize with summary provided, as follows):

  1. Daniel is set-up by some jealously and ungodly men whom he supervised in the Babylonian Kingdom where he had found favor because of his faithfulness to the Lord. 
  2. Knowing that Daniel worshiped the true God daily, these men set up a decree with the King that all should bow to the King and pay tribute or face death. They knew Daniel would not renounce his faith and therefore found a way to get rid of him….to kill him.
  3. The King, who loved and respected Daniel, was not thinking about Daniel when this decree was made and found that he had been tricked and by virtue of making an agreement with these men that he could not by law undo, he had to sentence Daniel to death against his own will. When an Assyrian or Babylonian king signed a document with his signet ring, it was final and could not be undone….not even by the King himself.
  4. Yet the King expresses confidence that Daniel’s God would yet deliver him and Daniel trusted in God also.
  5. Daniel is delivered from the lion’s den after sleeping the entire night without being bitten or eaten.
  6. In the end the persecutors of Daniel’s faith in the Lord received punishment and what they themselves sowed, they reaped. Instead it was them who were eaten by the lions.
  7. The end result is that Daniel’s deliverance is such a great witness to King Darius that he orders a decree that the God that Daniel served is the true and living God and should be feared. Help was on its way and arrived for Daniel in God’s time…the right time!



1). Hebrews 4:16 – We are welcome, as Christians, to come boldly to the throne of grace and find mercy and grace for help in a time of need. Help is on the way!

2.) John 6:37 – He or she who comes to the Lord, He will in no ways cast out. Amen! That means, brothers and sisters that you can go to Jesus and help is on the way.


CLOSING COMMENTS: Are you going through difficult times? Then, come to the throne of grace. I want you to know we serve a great God. He has delivered His people in the past and will do it today. The Bible says that God has not changed and that He is the same yesterday, today and forevermore! This means you can come to Him and He will help you. Come to the cross tonight. Kneel and pray. Seek the Lord and know tonight that help is on the way.


May the Lord bless this message to your heart.

By Evangelist Mischa Safdie’


Mischa Safdie’ Ministries

136 N. Grand Ave., Ste. 278

W. Covina, CA 91791

(951) 796-3936





All messages are Copyright Protected but may be distributed to others at no cost for the furthering of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They may not be duplicated in bulk for the purposes of sale or profit without the express written consent of Mischa S. Safdie'. All rights reserved. Any duplication of these articles, except for the purposes specified above is strictly prohibited.

If this Word has blessed you, we would encourage you to share it with others. We would like to hear from you. So please write to us, if you would like, and let us know how these messages have been positive in helping transform your life into that of a servant for Jesus Christ. For additional articles authored and written by Mischa, or purchase of CD-Rom messages, DVDs or books, please go to our website at


If you would like a CD copy of the original message brought by Evangelist Safdie', Please go to the Home Page of our website and search under "Word Messages", where this message and others by Rev. Safdie' can be obtained.


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