After having been more places, traveled the world, done more things than most people have, experienced more of this life and what the world has to offer....after having actually lived out the dreams and fantasies many people have and having had the $$$ to do it, I can tell you that at the end of that road there is only emptiness and a lack of purpose. We cannot cheat age and death. It comes for all of us. Father Time awaits us at the end of the road. I know it because I have lived it and I have seen many others...all others I know come to the same conclusion only they did not know how to deal with it so they had to accept it. Solomon was a lot like that. He had it all but at the end of life, we read about it in the Book of Ecclesiastes where he finally admits, "Vanity, vanity...all is vanity". His last words to us are recorded in chapter 12, verses 13 and 14 and this is what he says, "The conclusion, when all has been heard is fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. Because God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden whether it is good or evil." These are sobering words from a man that had it all and lived it all; a man who was known for great wisdom, wrote most of the Book of Proverbs and more....yet he strayed and lived a selfish and sinful life. When he wrote Ecclesiastes, did Solomon come to his senses and repent? Or were these just the regretful words...a sign post not to go there...from a broken man who was about to die? Did he find repentance with God? No one knows. The Bible never says. One can only hope that he did. What a wasted life King Solomon lived! What a wasted life so many of us live, pursuing the world's dreams all of our lives only to come up empty in the end. I learned my lesson the same way...the hard way and only by God's grace was I able to come back to Him. Not everyone gets that chance, so make the most out of yours. Remember that the small spot in your heart that you try and fulfill with ill advised relationships, drugs, alcohol, sex, money, property, nice cars and materialism, will not be filled that way. You will always still feel empty because that small quiet spot was placed in your heart to only be filled by your Creator, God. Fulfillment, I have found, only comes in Jesus Christ. Mick Jagger was right when he sang, "I tried and I tried and I tried and I tried, but I can't get no....satisfaction." I tried too, and I couldn't get any satisfaction either in all the things I did until I honestly surrendered my heart and life to Christ. Now I am fulfilled, happy and satisfied. You won't get no....satisfaction... either until you come to the same understanding as King Solomon did. I pray today that you will think about what I have written and make today the day you decide to invite Jesus into your life. Give it up to Him and it will be the most important decision you ever will make. He will give you new meaning and purpose, add years to your life of joy and fulfillment. I know. I have been there. May God bless you all.
Evangelist Mischa Safdie'