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State of Today's Church State of Today's Church

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State of Today's Church

Posted on Sat, Jul 20, 2013

Hi everyone. I think it would be an interesting topic to find out from some of you out there what you feel about the direction today's church is going in. The bible speaks of a great apostasy or falling away coming to the Church in the end time and a famine coming for the true Word of God. Do you think we are at that point yet? There is more false doctrine being panned off as Christianith than ever before. Gays are trying to push their way into perversion of the scripture by demanding access to the pulpits of churches. The Emergent Church, the "Purpose Driven" movements of Rick Warren and so forth are all topics you may want to weigh in on. Are there two churches right now....the true church and the false church...both operating at the same time? Reaction people! Let me know what you think!

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