To Phil Chavez (Sep 30, 2012)
Prayer Request:
Hi Phil. I actually answered this request last time and I only mention it because I hope you had a chance to read the answer. Please click onto your last request and below it I addressed your concerns and sent a letter to you. However, know that we will continue to pray for you, Phil. The Bible says to "Seek first the Kingdom of God and He will add all other things to you". He also said, "It is not good for man to be alone." And "No good thing will I withold from those who love me. I believe God has someone special for you, Phil. Are you spiritually ready for that special person? Is that special person spiritually ready for you? These are things that only God knows and probably is working on...all within His timing. I remember what I did before I met my mate and eventual wife was to start praying everyday for her even though I did not know who she was, where she lived or anything about her. I prayed for her spiritual walk, health and wellbeing and that God would faithfully prepare us both for one another and unite us in His perfect timing. I believe the Lord will honor a sincere prayer such as that. May the Lord bless you my brother.
Evangelist Mischa Safdie'
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