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Prayer Request: Deliverance Prayer Request: Deliverance

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Deliverance (Dec 5, 2024)

Prayer Request:
Please pray 🙏 for Richard to be delivered of all soul ties from his ex wife, ex girlfriends and removed of any spiritual spouses and what I saw in the spirit tentacles. 🐙 pray he is delivered of lust, deception, lying, perversion and that our relationship is not cursed and protected by God if it is God’s will. Pray psalm 91, 35, 131 and 121 over me and my children - our bodies, minds, souls, careers, dogs, cars, relationships. Send the fire of the Holy Ghost to burn up all not of God in our lives and in our jobs, houses, family and relationship. Remove all perverse connections Richard has and remove all past relationships in full. My kids and I need beauty, protection, wealth, stability, sanity, intelligence, wisdom, talents, restoration, health, happiness, lives money from God himself. I ask this in Jesus Christ’s name. Richard needs to be delivered from all things making him lustful to other women and deceptive permanently and immediately in Jesus Christ’s name and all unclean spirits removed. 

   Discussion: Deliverance

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