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Prayer Request: Protection Prayer Request: Protection

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Protection (Nov 23, 2024)

Prayer Request:
Please pray that Jane C and kids are removed from mine and Richard S life and anyone like her. Please pray that Richard doesn’t cheat in any manner ever again. Please pray for our protection from her in all ways and that my mind is at peace and sever all connections with the sword of the spirit and Holy Ghost Fire. Please pray for Lola and Richard and family that Satan stops working through them and the door is closed to him. Pray Richard is great to me in all ways and loyal and desires for Jane  or others removed from his heart and mind and all other places and thoughts. I pray this permanently and immediately- I need the faith of Jesus Christ to believe and him to ask this of the Father. May this never rise again. May all my enemies and my kids enemies be defeated as well as my dogs. All this permanently and immediately in Jesus Christ’s name. It is written, ask and you will receive .

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