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Prayer Request: Asking for continuing prayers for deliverance! Prayer Request: Asking for continuing prayers for deliverance!

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Renee Howard

Asking for continuing prayers for deliverance! (May 13, 2022)

Prayer Request:
I'm asking for deliverance from spirits of oppression, legions and new age and occult spirits from past new age involvement that I repented of. I have been dealing with torment for years and I'm asking for prayer please! And maintain my deliverance! I also ask for prayer that God will touch peoples hearts to pray for me and and share my prayer request that I will be delivered. And prayer for protection since I can deal with alot warfare. Also, salvation for my family. THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your prayers in advance!!!

   Discussion: Asking for continuing prayers for deliverance!
Apostle & Evangelist Mischa Safdie · 1 year, 6 months ago

Hi Renee:

I know what is lie to go through that because when I was in my 20s and early 30s I had this problem too.  It is important to know that if you have asked Jesus into your life as your Lord and Savior, the devil has no ability to possess you.  No spirit can possess you because the Holy Spirit dwells in you and Satan does not want that confrontation.  However, sometimes the devil oppresses us....attacks from the outside and harasses us. I have prayed for you and believe God has delivered you and you will either see it immediately or progressively feel better.  Please do me a favor and call me at (951) 796-3936 if I may help you.  I am sorry I did not respond earlier but I had changed my website and did not see this request until today.  God will help you though.  Please stay in touch with me.  If you go to the media section of this site, you can watch a video message I posted today dealing with this exact problem.  Jesus loves you and cares about you, Renee and He will help you.  I promise you that God is faithful and His Word to bring freedom to you from this harassment of the devil will end.  Renounce before God any cult or occult practices, throw or burn any items from those practices away.  May God bless you.


Apostle Mischa Safdie'

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