Hello Phil. It looks to me that many of the things you have asked that we pray for are now taking place. The Word of God tells is that God will bring the things hidden in darkness to light. Many wicked things are taking place in these end time, as the Bible tells us would take place. Despite all of this we must keep our eyes on Jesus Christ and walk faithfully with Him. Afterall, we know the end of "The Book" and that God, His will and Kingdon will prevail. :-)
Phil Chavez
Pray Against American Corruption (Jul 10, 2016)
Prayer Request:
Please Pray starting today GOD exposes the worst of Government Corruption. Please Pray starting today GOD exposes the worst of Media Corruption.Pray for News bias to be exposed and false News stories to be exposed. Please Pray GOD guides and leads Computer Hackers to find and come across the worst of Media and Government corruption.Pray Computer Hackers bring corruption of Media and Government to the light for all the American people to see starting today.
Pray Against American Corruption
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