Hi Phil: I am standing with you brother. Just begin to trust the Lord and walk with Him and you will see the answers come. Brother, are you attending church amywhere and if so, where?
Evangelist & Pastor Mischa
Phil Chavez
Prayer for more Prayer (Jan 19, 2014)
Prayer Request:
Please Pray the people of the past,the people of the present and the people of the future who know of or seen or will see my past,present or future Prayer Request .Pray GOD puts in those peoples hearts and minds to constantly pray over my past,present and future Prayer Request as the spirit leads...In JESUS Name...Thank You...
Hi Phil: I am standing with you brother. Just begin to trust the Lord and walk with Him and you will see the answers come. Brother, are you attending church amywhere and if so, where?
Evangelist & Pastor Mischa
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